today's double standard on race
Why no crying for the 50yr old guy with disestablishes that got burned and killed in ROC by edit PR n edit PR yr olds on Lyell Ave
mmmm maybe as he was White and the killers where black ?
PD chief nothing, Mayor nothing, minsters nothing WTF
Why the cry only if killed by a white RPD officer
Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Tell ya what. If we come to find out that these thugs were government hires, working on behalf of the people, paid by taxpayers when they committed this murder while their job is "to protect and to serve", and their entire defense is "he didn't hand over his ID"... and there's a better than 50/50 chance they get away with it in spite of there being a video of the entire thing, then you'll have a story. Until then, lump it in with the 15,000 other murders that occur every year and your point is even more idiotic than most of what you post on here.