In a speech in 1987 to Conservative members of Parliament, Margaret Thatcher quoted Russian philosopher Konstantin Leontiev’s 19th-century prediction that socialism “will be the feudalism of the future.”
Shortly before Thatcher (who by then had embraced the Russian insult “Iron Lady”) quoted Leontiev, I was in Moscow with a group of Western travel writers. An apparatchik lectured us about the city’s top tourist hotels. My mind drifted back an hour to the filthy borscht served for lunch in the Cosmos Hotel. It had arrived with the waiter’s thumb literally in the soup. We moved on to tour the GUM department store, where I noted a long-dead fly in an otherwise empty glass display case. It had presumably expired, despairing of ever finding anything to eat. It was covered with months of dust.
It takes a long time for socialist corrosion to reach that level of extreme decay. But if you stick with it, you get there. And Democrats, bent on radically transforming the country to comport with Sen. Bernie Sanders’s vision, are heading down that road again in high gear. Behind the passive, nearly moribund, facade of President Biden, which some voters find reassuring, the party of the Left is turning more people into Washington’s dependents, listless clients of central government, as socialism always does.
They are undoing the success of the bipartisan 1996 welfare reforms, led by President Bill Clinton and House Speaker Newt Gingrich, which moved millions off the dole and back to work. As Mickey Kaus wrote recently, “The left wasn’t about to take this success lying down.” Like a feudal overlord, the Democratic Party wants as many subjects as possible, locked in permanent dependency and tugging their forelock to their benefactor at election time.
Thus, the $1.9 trillion spending blowout that Biden signed into law on March 11 is a return of the corrosive welfare state disguised as relief from the predations of COVID-19. If it had been emergency relief, the provisions would have been temporary, but many are not. Washington will now send families $300 monthly checks for each child under the age of 6 and $250 for each other minor up to the eve of his or her 18th birthday. Despite being deceptively called an Expanded Child Tax Credit, the money actually has nothing to do with taxes, being sent out irrespective of the recipients’ earned income or withholding.
There’s a case for severing the link between welfare and work so recipients don’t fall off a fiscal “cliff” on their way back into the labor force. More specifically, they can’t lose more welfare money than they gain in wages, and thus there is no “welfare trap.” But the 1996 reform showed that these “cliffs” did not present an insuperable barrier — more people ceased to depend on handouts.
The Left doesn’t like this. Democrats have voted repeatedly during the pandemic to make it more lucrative to stay idle than to go back to work and fend for oneself. Not everyone can choose to work, for many jobs were lost permanently. But between half and two-thirds of those who received COVID relief cash made more money that way than they had in their previous jobs. Employers couldn’t find workers to fill vacancies.
It is sensible to ask, “Why would I go back to work when I can make more if I don’t?” And it’s unsurprising that the $1.9 trillion folly is popular. Who doesn’t like apparently free money? Its financial benefits are immediate while its damage, though inevitable, is distant. But it is going to be real and extreme. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is already preparing corporate and personal levies that will make our businesses less competitive and will punish individual success.
Below and beneath the economic harm done by this redistributive socialism will be moral decay. The financial disincentive to work stokes a disinclination to fend for oneself, to be self-reliant, upstanding, and (in its best sense) proud. People who look after themselves, who see opportunities rather than a dead-end in front of them, and who take steps to improve their lot and the lot of their dependents are a happier, more fulfilled people.
Socialism is not just ruin camouflaged as equality. It is despair wrapped up in the rhetoric of hope.
Lenin, stalin, mao, Kim, Maduro, Xi, Putin
The howling, yammering DPST's will rise in indignation at this refutation of their beloved marxism and dedication to their murderous 'Big Brothers".
after all - "History is r....."!!!