Washington Examiner Cruz asks Biden to stop blocking media access to overwhelmed border facilities

  • oeb11
  • 03-22-2021, 10:31 AM

Sen. Ted Cruz wrote to President Biden Monday to demand he lift a ban on media access at overwhelmed immigration intake facilities along the southern border, where thousands of illegal immigrants have been pouring into the United States in recent weeks.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Cruz, a Texas Republican, wants reporters to accompany a delegation of GOP senators to the Rio Grande Valley on Friday, but Homeland Security officials have mostly blocked media access along the southern border, where crowded conditions have been reported as the massive influx of immigrants overwhelm U.S. immigration officials.


Department officials have so far refused Cruz’s request to allow the media to accompany senators this week. Cruz plans to travel to the Rio Grande Valley on Friday with Sen. John Cornyn, a fellow Texas Republican, and other GOP senators to observe the conditions.
“Denying the press the ability to observe, film, and report on the conditions at the border is not openness or transparency, it is hiding the truth from the American people,” Cruz wrote to Biden on Monday. “The press and the American people deserve more than denials and excuses from a podium. They deserve to see and understand the crisis for themselves with the help of reporters who are free and independent from your administration.”
White House press secretary Jen Psaki said access is restricted for safety reasons related to the COVID-19 pandemic, but news outlets are growing increasingly frustrated with limited access that is far more restricted than in past administrations.
Media were blocked from accompanying a bipartisan delegation that traveled to the Mexico border last week. Senators reported overcrowded conditions at holding facilities for children.
Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, reported on Twitter viewing “100s of Kids packed into big open rooms,” as well as terrified children separated from their relatives.
Murphy offered a conditional agreement with the GOP that the media should not be entirely blocked from viewing the facilities.
“I think the press should have some access, yes,” Murphy said. “But not unfettered. Enough for accurate reporting on conditions (which are challenging but improving), but not so much to disrupt the already tumultuous lives of these children.”
Tags: News, Congress, Immigration, Media, US Senator Ted Cruz, Chris Murphy, Biden Administration
Original Author: Susan Ferrechio
Original Location: Cruz asks Biden to stop blocking media access to overwhelmed border facilities

They Lie

the only communication format teh DPST's are capable of!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
What about the "American Children"? Personally, I could care less about media having access to anything illegals got caught doing.

Cry Me A River.

Thanks for the thread OP!
Finally, NBC news shows the deplorable conditions Biden has put the illegals in.
And Joe's Ho had the audacity to state "they were left with a very challenging situation"
There answer to every problem they create is to blame Trump.
60 days into this F'd Up administration and there's a daily reminder of what a worthless politician Biden is.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So Biden has a immigration security issue.
Sadly amusing.
The Dims didn't see this coming?
Welcome to reality
Finally, NBC news shows the deplorable conditions Biden has put the illegals in.
And Joe's Ho had the audacity to state "they were left with a very challenging situation"
There answer to every problem they create is to blame Trump.
60 days into this F'd Up administration and there's a daily reminder of what a worthless politician Biden is. Originally Posted by littlerichard
Joe's Ho may be President soon.
So Biden has a immigration security issue.
Sadly amusing.
The Dims didn't see this coming?
Welcome to reality Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Joe Biden isn't upholding his duties on defending the borders of the country. He needs to be impeached.
Murf76's Avatar
Well now, the Lamestream Media is finding out how the Socialist Democratic Party treats people! This ban on reporting from the border is typical. All of those news outlets walked in lockstep with the Democrats, swallowing and supporting every line they put out.... without fail. Their party loyalty was a huge factor in getting Obama his third term. Now, the media is being treated just like the blacks, hispanics and unions. You, as a member of any of those groups, are useless once the election was over!
rexdutchman's Avatar
DMN , AP Today """Secrecy at the Border """" Smart people should take notice how the unity for all party treats people ?????????
  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 08:31 AM
Well now, the Lamestream Media is finding out how the Socialist Democratic Party treats people! This ban on reporting from the border is typical. All of those news outlets walked in lockstep with the Democrats, swallowing and supporting every line they put out.... without fail. Their party loyalty was a huge factor in getting Obama his third term. Now, the media is being treated just like the blacks, hispanics and unions. You, as a member of any of those groups, are useless once the election was over! Originally Posted by Murf76

LSM still is lockstep with the Nomenklatura - and parroting every psucki lie.

They are part of teh marxist socialist revolution in America - and will be among teh first to go to AOC's concentration camps to make soylent Green new Deal biscuits.
the news media when the day comes.....

"what? me? what did I do wrong? didn't I do what you wanted? didn't I protect you? wasn't I part of the team? I passed you debate questions, I wrote opinions as news, I lied for you. sure I have grandparents who came from England, and who might have gone to church and had their own business...but I apologized for that already"
  • oeb11
  • 03-23-2021, 04:43 PM
NGIT - thoughtful as always

and - incomprehensible to the DPST contingent.
Don't remember much media allowed during Trumpstains time. I remember one where they staged the whole scene.
Joe's Ho may be President soon.
Joe Biden isn't upholding his duties on defending the borders of the country. He needs to be impeached. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You need to be impeached for general lack of intelligence.
  • oeb11
  • 03-24-2021, 07:16 AM
You need to be impeached for general lack of intelligence. Originally Posted by royamcr

'r' - You make it clear that your response to a valid political POV is arrogant, demonifying, elitist, controlling - and typical of your dear leaders of XiNN - intolerant of any opinion other than your marxist DPST idiotology.

Shameful - but typical of DPST intolerance of anything but ideology approved by Big Brother Comrade Xi!

BTW-'r' - private citizens cannot be 'impeached' - but you don't care about teh Constitution , and likely never read it, and after all - Ignorance of teh Constitution is bliss for DPST minions. Your marxist tyranny is preferable to those who choose not to think for themselves.

Unless - a question - 'r' - does 'impeachment ' to you - mean an expedited boxcar trip to AOC's concentration camps for political dissidents?????