People you know

Brayzen's Avatar
Wondering if anyone, on either side of this hobby has ran into anyone that they know from the real world ? If so, was it a surprise? Did you continue with the appointment?
This is one reason, I am so stringent on my screening. I have had calls from gentleman that I know, some I’m friends with their wives,
Some I’ve done business with in my real life business,
And some I just know...
Springfield can be a really small town.
I just always say... I can’t see you... I know you. I leave it at that. Sometimes they want to know who I am. LOL NO!
One time, I didn’t realize who it was, and I had properly screened him. When He showed we were both surprised. We sat, shared a bottle of wine, had some great conversation...
And that was that.
But...even a better one, is ONCE, I slacked on my screening.
And who showed up at my door, but someone from my past. Someone that at one time I was crazy in love with...
Hardest experience yet. OOPS!
Have you (men or ladies) been in this situation? If
So, how did you handle it? Was it awkward? Did you continue?
rlWord's Avatar
I saw a girl at the gym very regularly for over a year before showing up to an appointment with her. We continued with the appointment, which was awesome. Afterwards we even spoke about not saying hello when we would undoubtedly see each other at the gym. she dates a guy who goes there as well. I saw them together a few nights later and turns out I know the guy.
That’s as close as I’ve come to seeing anyone I know.
Not I'm this line, but I've always kinda wondered about it. Closest was Morgan, who looked a LOT like a girl I went to high school with and always had a crush on. Oddly enough Morgan disappeared at the same time as that girl moved out of state! I'm about 92% sure it was a coincidence ��

I did get a lap dance from a classmate once though. She said she recognized me when we were talking, and asked if I was in X class. I was! Then she asked.if I wanted a dance. It was pretty hot, and no interactions in class so no big deal.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Mine was Kristen Love in RW encounter. We said Hi exchanged pleasantries and that was that.
NotQuiteBond's Avatar
Had a passing glance as I walked out of a restaurant with my wife, with a massage giver (she's actually who gave me a referral to see you lovely Katee). I'm not sure if she put two and two together...there was no "wink-wink" moment, but yes, small town, and my heart raced a little bit!
Brayzen's Avatar
Had a passing glance as I walked out of a restaurant with my wife, with a massage giver (she's actually who gave me a referral to see you lovely Katee). I'm not sure if she put two and two together...there was no "wink-wink" moment, but yes, small town, and my heart raced a little bit! Originally Posted by NotQuiteBond
Thanks to that masseuse...
I’ve often seen gentleman out that I’ve met through being a provider.. I don’t even look their way, no eye contact, no nothing. I think that’s my responsibility, to basically... “go away”
For third largest city in Missouri... it’s sure a small town !
Theatrical person's Avatar
Haven't run into anyone out in town yet. But Facebook will sometimes make friend suggestions based off the phone numbers in my contacts. And I'll click on their profile and check to see if we have any mutual friends ��
DallasRain's Avatar
when I lived in Phoenix... I was at the mall,when I got home I got an email from a guy off an escort board I used there saying " I just saw you at the mall"...I had never seen him but he recognized me by my pics

once I was at a mardi gras parade and didnt realize I was standing right next to a regular client and his family!

once I was entertaining a gent,when he stated " I went to school and church with you when you were a kid"
Brayzen's Avatar
when I lived in Phoenix... I was at the mall,when I got home I got an email from a guy off an escort board I used there saying " I just saw you at the mall"...I had never seen him but he recognized me by my pics

once I was at a mardi gras parade and didnt realize I was standing right next to a regular client and his family!

once I was entertaining a gent,when he stated " I went to school and church with you when you were a kid" Originally Posted by DallasRain
I literally laughed out loud at the “went to school and church” one!

And the one at the Mardi Gras...‘did you ever realize it...’or did he tell you later?

My friend is a provider in Australia....’she said it almost happens daily. But they have a pretty big nightlife / pre covid.
Hot Summer's Avatar
When I first started,
I knew nothing about screening.
And I was dating online as well .
So I Booked an appointment and told him to call me when he arrived.
He knew exactly who he was booking with,
but I didn't.
When he arrives and calls me I knew his voice and I was in complete shock!
I didn't let him in and we never went out again .
He did contact me later to give me the speech about I was to good for this blah blah blah
I did it in reverse. When I had my mom with us still I would take her to church for special occasions & always noticed a cute young lady with nice legs & a quick smile for everyone. I was single & just being the normal bachelor & went to a provider who got my attention but no face pic. You guessed it was the church lady. We had a nice laugh & discussed the situation then had a nice encounter.
DallasRain's Avatar

good stories!

thx miss B for an uplifting post!!!!!!

I had a friend of my sons come see me... i didnt knw him befrehand or that they were friends... he was 22.... so when we got to getting busy,he noticed a portrait of my son on my wall... he said " hey thats my friend".... oops!!!!!
NotQuiteBond's Avatar
Thanks to that masseuse...
I’ve often seen gentleman out that I’ve met through being a provider.. I don’t even look their way, no eye contact, no nothing. I think that’s my responsibility, to basically... “go away”
For third largest city in Missouri... it’s sure a small town ! Originally Posted by Brayzen
Hard to believe that's been almost 4 1/2 years ago now. I think it's time for a reunion!
Rooter's Avatar
I have seen a couple of girls out at grocery store etc. I'm also on fetlife and have seen several them out too. I never mention anything. Maybe if they were alone I might say hello. I don't think I would have a problem if it was someone I knew from work or something. I would be game to go thru with it, but my wife probably wouldn't be to keen on the idea.
  • Swmo
  • 04-04-2021, 07:45 PM
I have run into several providers in my line of work. The most awkward one was when she actually worked at the same workplace as me. I was in disbelief and was worried about being outed but thankfully that wasn’t a problem. I actually don’t think that she recognized me which was nice.
I’ve also seen Krysten Love at work. We were both wearing masks and didn’t acknowledge each other. I wish she was still around.