We have finally found a way to keep her Quiet!!!! Make her the Vice President
I've not seen a report yet that she talks with her mouth full of dick.
even the most serious topic can send her into paroxysms of hysterical giggling
something is weird about that and needs evaluation
She's not the vp.
She's the president in waiting. Zombiden fell twice on the airplane stairs, one more and he's out.
Harris giggles because she's drunk. She's as highly controllable as squinty-eye Joe is. We are vulnerable.
A black man isn't good enough for her. Other than Willy who she shit canned immediately after he got for her what she wanted. Fucking old black Willy a few times to get positioned into California politics may have been a bit disgusting but well worth it.
They keeping her quiet , so nobody really know what a fool or idiot she is ( on top of when she lies she giggles so anytime she s talking)