Cop Thinks Her Gun Is. Tazer, Black Man Is Dead

This is bizarre. Black man gets pulled over, it is determined that he has a warrant out on him.

For reasons unknown, he gets back in his car, female cop attempts to Taze him, but by mistake pulls her gun and kills him. Her body camera confirms this.

And of course, all of the BLM crowd and the “dindonuffins” go on a burning and looting spree.

I wonder how this would have turned out if the black man would have simply complied?
winn dixie's Avatar

This is bizarre. Black man gets pulled over, it is determined that he has a warrant out on him.

For reasons unknown, he gets back in his car, female cop attempts to Taze him, but by mistake pulls her gun and kills him. Her body camera confirms this.

And of course, all of the BLM crowd and the “dindonuffins” go on a burning and looting spree.

I wonder how this would have turned out if the black man would have simply complied? Originally Posted by Jackie S
If the perp would have complied we would have no knowledge of this routine stop.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how do you mistake a gun for a tazer?
Jesus christ, what a fiasco.

Unless I'm mistaken, tasers are usually worn opposite a side arm either directly across in a straight draw holster or a bit more forward in a cross draw holster for the sake of hand dominance.

This lady royally fucked up.

Not terribly surprised though, I don't think cops train with their weapons enough. When I do 2-3 gun I usually do better than the duty cops unless they served recently and were grunts.

Usually rankings go something like:
Competition Range Rats
Retired cops/military who have nothing better to do that shoot all day
Former military
rexdutchman's Avatar
How to start well very sad , scared little lady panic , poor training, ^^ agree ^^ comply is to simple
On a side note I'm shocked coppers do anything proactive in this defund hate cops protect bad guys world
It is getting more difficult to defend the cops. Certainly if this guy had not resisted he would still be alive. But he didn't deserve to die over an expired tag. I have never handled a tazer, know little about them. I do know they are usually a yellow color and surely a very different feel than a pistol. The Mayor, Police Chief both need to take responsibility for placing this untrained 22 year Cop on the street.
winn dixie's Avatar
Very surprised this doesnt happen more often!

BUT, one should always comply with law enforcement!
If the perp would have complied we would have no knowledge of this routine stop. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Supposedly the perp had a warrant for a prior illegal handgun arrest. The cops had a right to be concerned about this guy.

how do you mistake a gun for a tazer? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
In a moment of panic, the officer went for what was on her belt.

This chick had 26 years on the force.

In reviewing the video, 1) the large black officer did a poor job of putting the cuffs on the perp 2) Let the perp escape his grip 3) the female officer yelled "taser, taser!" and "oh, shit" when she shot him.

Burn, baby, burn!
winn dixie's Avatar
Cops carry their sidearm on their dominate side. With the tazor opposite on their weak side.

In the fast paced heat of the moment on scene. Im very surprised this doesnt happen more often.
I think some of these people have a death wish. Just viewed the video on this Army 2nd Lt that refused to exit vehicle after being stopped. He was pepper sprayed and eventually exited car. If you want killed fuck with an excited nervous cop.
Old Joe loves to spend our money He should order a nation wide $500 million training program for "peope of color" Do not resist and do what the fucking cop says so you won't get killed. Fixed....
That guy was supposedly a lieutenant. IMO, the cop was fired unjustly.

From the video I saw, the army officer was noncompliant. The SUV that he was driving did not appear to have plates. Other people said he had paper plates but I don't see them or they weren't very conspicuous which gives the cop the right to pull him over.

I'd like a little more story on the Lt. I suspect he was fucked up and didn't want a field sobriety test.

So he was sprayed in the face with mace. He'll live.
Watching the press conference with the Mayor of Brooklyn Center, MN discussing the dismissals - I didn't know you could be illiterate and still be Mayor.

I've seen 8 year olds who're nervous about public speaking handle that better.
Diversity quotas anyone???? Can't wait for United Airlines to put their latest plan into action.
You can wait and I'll fly some other carrier.
Apparently they let the rabble in the press conference. It's not even reporters asking questions but "pillars of the community" wailing and gnashing teeth and demanding to know what the guy who was made police chief an hour ago is gonna do.

What a fucking circus.