At least in my locale, I blame the extreme religious right ( I'm an admitted atheist, so biased) who want to force their views on others.
Originally Posted by reddog1951
I guess one can blame anyone ... for the laws we've had for decades, if not centuries, but I suspect those persons who could be correctly identified as "extreme religious right," do not account for enough votes to sway the minds of all the state legislators and Congressional members who pass those laws.
The "extreme religious right" have lost a lot of legal battles with respect to when and where they can exercise their "extreme religious" beliefs and ceremonies. Not much influence if one asks me.
My guess is these days there is more noise coming from the SocialistLiberal extremists who believe that everyone person who receives money in exchange for sex is a victim and being stripped of their rights.
I believe they call them sex slaves and insist the LE "help" them!
(The LE they want to defund!)
Your comment reminded me of an absolutely beautiful young land in the early skirt chasing history who was easily classified as "extreme religious" although I am not familiar with her politics. She was so religious she believed the bible told her she could not engage in sexual intercourse, but the bible said nothing that prohibited her from sucking a guy's cock, for which she developed an enthusiastic attitude and unmatched talent. I appreciated her Biblical interpretation immensely.