Psucki is leaving

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Jen Psaki Drops Big News About Fleeing the Sinking Ship
By Nick Arama | May 07, 2021 11:00 AM ET

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dropped a big bomb during an interview that she did with David Axelrod on his podcast.

Turns out she’s planning on fleeing the sinking ship fairly soon.

According to Mediaite, Psaki told Axelrod that she would be leaving the Biden team soon during an hour long interview.
Psaki’s comments came during a conversation with host David Axelrod (with whom she worked during the Obama administration) that she is undaunted by the challenge and the responsibility (which she says she loves), but when she discussed the role with the Biden transition team, it was about serving roughly a one-year term. “I think it’s going to be time for somebody else to have this job, in a year from now or about a year from now,” she said.
Translation: take this job and shove it, I didn’t get how bad it would be to have to keep justifying this guy and his continuous gaffes.

Now Mediaite tries to help her out, claiming that only serving a year wasn’t “that out of the ordinary,” noting that the Trump Administration went through four press secretaries. But funny, how when that was happening, some in media attacked that as showing disarray.
When people left the Trump White House is was a scandal. I assume we'll see the same thing here? Jen Psaki leaving after only one year.

— Jazz Shaw (@JazzShaw) May 6, 2021
I’m thinking we won’t be seeing that kind of take anytime soon from the compliant media. As we reported yesterday, the White House reporters openly fell all over themselves praising her in a recent report, not even seeming to realize how much they were confessing they were failing at their alleged jobs to scrutinize her.

Meanwhile on the podcast, Psaki was literally confessing how they put off the reporters, how they didn’t want Biden taking questions from the press. “That is not something we recommend. In fact, a lot of times we say ‘don’t take questions,’” she said.

“We’re never going to satisfy the White House press corps and their desires for access. And I think there have been mistakes made in the past of trying to do that,” Psaki claimed in the interview. Ah, well, that explains why she doesn’t even try, just gives them “that’s a good question” followed by “I’ll circle back” or she’ll get back to them on that.

Psaki also said it was “maddening” that people asked about the border. Then she mocked the media that fell all over themselves to praise her.

From Breitbart:
“What percentage of the public is focused on the border?” she asked. “A much smaller percentage than who’s focused on the pandemic and the economy. So that may be maddening, but, you know, that’s what we try to do.”

Axelrod said the effort to get the Biden administration to describe the border crisis as a crisis was “sort of a game that drives you nuts” in Washington, DC.

“‘White House in crisis,’” Psaki replied, mocking cable news chyrons and headlines about the border.

“Our calculation on that front is one, this is cyclical, we’ve seen surges at the border, every time it happens, it’s bad, until we do something to address it over the long term with root causes, immigration reform, it’s going to keep happening,” she continued.
She again said it wasn’t a crisis, but a “challenge.”

Sorry, Jen, the facts and the people having to deal with it on the border, like your fellow Democrats Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), don’t agree. They’re demanding you do something and Biden is not listening.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe Obama will take the job.
winn dixie's Avatar
Shes an airhead circling back
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Shes an airhead circling back Originally Posted by winn dixie

i think she has an emily litella moment.... "nevermind..."
Yssup Rider's Avatar

But what a sophisticated nickname you’ve given her.
Lapdog's Avatar

But what a sophisticated nickname you’ve given her. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

YR, they come up with these cutesy little disrespectful nicknames for people who they are afraid of because they can't come up with a valid argument against them that has legs strong enough to stand up on its own merit.
bambino's Avatar
And the lefties in this forum don’t use names or memes for Trump or other conservatives. No, that never happens. What a bunch of whiney hypocrites.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR, they come up with these cutesy little disrespectful nicknames for people who they are afraid of because they can't come up with a valid argument against them that has legs strong enough to stand up on its own merit. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You’re spot on, Lapdog!
Not particularly pretty or smart and if she showed her tits I missed it. So good bye Red won't be missing you.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
YR, they come up with these cutesy little disrespectful nicknames for people who they are afraid of because they can't come up with a valid argument against them that has legs strong enough to stand up on its own merit. Originally Posted by Lapdog

afraid has nothing to do with it. you and YR and others say the same thing about AOC to cite just one.and Mad Max Waters.and Pelosi. and shithead Schiff (still waiting on that proof he says he saw about Russian collusion) where is Old-T when ya need him? all of you presume incorrectly that it's fear when in fact it's just good old fashioned ridicule of a lying evasive idiot, JenJen.

remember all of you said the exact same things about Trump's press secretaries especially Sanders and McEnany. if it's "fear" for conservatives over Circle Bareback JenJen then it was fear of Trump's press secretaries when for four years the left here ridiculed them.

see how that works?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think the discussion was about the childish nicknames.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
YR, they come up with these cutesy little disrespectful nicknames for people who they are afraid of because they can't come up with a valid argument against them that has legs strong enough to stand up on its own merit. Originally Posted by Lapdog
You're so right.

And the lefties in this forum don’t use names or memes for Trump or other conservatives. No, that never happens. What a bunch of whiney hypocrites. Originally Posted by bambino
No. That never happens, bina.

Not particularly pretty or smart and if she showed her tits I missed it. So good bye Red won't be missing you. Originally Posted by bill sins
She's a red head. Always give good head. Also an airhead. Just today I was counting the number of Uhh's and Umm's at today's Labor report press conference. She started out with two quick ones just before she started reading her opening.

I always hated her for that. Secretary Pete has it mastered. The only one with the balls to go on FOX. He is never at a loss for words. Psaki spit out five Umm's in about four seconds at one point. Pete, he's got his shit together. He should run as Vice President with Kamala Harris. We would have a Madame President. A first gentleman. And two second ladies.

I think the discussion was about the childish nicknames. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What childish nicknames? Like weako? bina? ranky? foxholeforever?

winn dixie's Avatar
Psucki is leaving

Thread title and topic
psucky my dick lolling

Shes jumping ship before cumallah takes over.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think the discussion was about the childish nicknames. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

yet that's not what you posted. this is what you posted


But what a sophisticated nickname you’ve given her. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you made it about silly nicknames. Dilbert posted she's gonna leave that cushy job she thought she had. she drank the Beavis Butt-Head Biden kool-aid that everyone "loves" creepy joe and it would be an easy gig. she's already tired and worn out over getting beaten up every time she holds a presser.

even the leftist press is starting to beat her up over her many bullshit tendencies like "let me circlejerk bareback to you about that" and then gets called out for it again.

yes. it's FOX. there are others. let me know if you'd like me to post more ..

she's become a meme .. and a parody song .. yes she's that incompetent. or she's just lying. or both.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, bambino made it about childish nicknames.

I said the piece was speculation.

And congratulated Dilbert on his creativity.