CDC Conspiracy Theorist on CNN

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
This tin hat wearing T R U M P supporter actually thinks COVID-19 was man-made LOL. What a nut job.

HedonistForever's Avatar
This tin hat wearing T R U M P supporter actually thinks COVID-19 was man-made LOL. What a nut job.

LINK Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

I don't know much about your writing so I don't know if you are being serious or sarcastic but if you are keeping up with the fast breaking news, it sounds like this is becoming clearer by the day.

This is what has happened in just the last few days. Senator Rand Paul is taking the lead on this story and has uncovered evidence from a Chinese scientist affectionately known as the "Bat lady" who is the leading scientist on bat viruses and wrote in a paper that Dr. Fauci as head of the NIH and responsible for billions of American dollars and where they go, said that her "gain of function" work, weaponizing this bat Sars virus to more easily affect humans, got money from an entity, that got money from Fauci. When asked by Sen. Paul about this, Dr. Fauci said unequivocally, that he did not give any money to the Wuhan lab to work on gain of function research.

True but what he did do was give money to EcoHealth Alliance, who in turn gave some of that money to the Bat Lady at the Wuhan lab and she corroborated that fact in writing. Now I'm not saying this is all true, I'm saying that this is what is being reported and the ducks are all lining up it would seem. No Dr. Fauci, no Covid!!!!!

So what a lot of people who have been describing this as a "conspiracy theory" just might be in for a big surprise. At this point, it looks very much like this was man made and somebody in that lab fucked up just like lab workers have fucked up numerous times in numerous labs before.

On Tuesday, Paul pointed to two broad issues — first, Dr. Ralph Baric at the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill allegedly “collaborating” with the Wuhan lab’s top scientist, Shi Zhengli, also dubbed the “bat lady,” on experiments related to the original SARS virus years ago. Second, NIH grants going to Peter Daszak’s New York-based EcoHealth Alliance, which then provided some of that funding to the Wuhan lab, which a Trump State Department fact sheet contended carried out secretive gain-of-function experiments.

During a Senate hearing on the coronavirus, Paul first pointed to the work between Baric and Shi as evidence of U.S. support for gain-of-function research in

Fauci said: “I do not have an accounting of what the Chinese may have done, and I am fully in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China. However, I will repeat again — the NIH and NIAID categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

A State Department
fact sheet
released in mid-January contended Wuhan lab researchers “conducted experiments involving RaTG13, the bat coronavirus identified by the WIV in January 2020 as its closest sample to SARS-CoV-2 (96.2% similar)” and that the lab “has a published record of conducting ‘gain-of-function’ research to engineer chimeric viruses.” The fact sheet added that the lab “has engaged in classified research, including laboratory animal experiments, on behalf of the Chinese military."

So this "conspiracy theory" about the origins of Covid just might be turning into a cover-up by our leading American experts using American tax dollars, knowingly or unknowingly to create Covid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't know much about your writing so I don't know if you are being serious or sarcastic but if you are keeping up with the fast breaking news, it sounds like this is becoming clearer by the day.

This is what has happened in just the last few days. Senator Rand Paul is taking the lead on this story and has uncovered evidence from a Chinese scientist affectionately known as the "Bat lady" who is the leading scientist on bat viruses and wrote in a paper that Dr. Fauci as head of the NIH and responsible for billions of American dollars and where they go, said that her "gain of function" work, weaponizing this bat Sars virus to more easily affect humans, got money from an entity, that got money from Fauci. When asked by Sen. Paul about this, Dr. Fauci said unequivocally, that he did not give any money to the Wuhan lab to work on gain of function research.

True but what he did do was give money to EcoHealth Alliance, who in turn gave some of that money to the Bat Lady at the Wuhan lab and she corroborated that fact in writing. Now I'm not saying this is all true, I'm saying that this is what is being reported and the ducks are all lining up it would seem. No Dr. Fauci, no Covid!!!!!

So what a lot of people who have been describing this as a "conspiracy theory" just might be in for a big surprise. At this point, it looks very much like this was man made and somebody in that lab fucked up just like lab workers have fucked up numerous times in numerous labs before.


So this "conspiracy theory" about the origins of Covid just might be turning into a cover-up by our leading American experts using American tax dollars, knowingly or unknowingly to create Covid
Originally Posted by HedonistForever

what do you mean "unknowingly"?
winn dixie's Avatar
Of course the chinese wuhan virus is man made. china made it as a biological weapon!
This tin hat wearing T R U M P supporter actually thinks COVID-19 was man-made LOL. What a nut job.

LINK Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
You don't think a Naturally occurring Virus such as a Corona virus, which is responsible for the common cold can be Genetically altered to be more virulent? You bet it can. When they figure out a way to do that with Rabies kiss your ass good bye, pretty much one third of the world population can. Maybe more.
HedonistForever's Avatar
what do you mean "unknowingly"? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

It's possible that a bureaucrat like Dr. Fauci, responsible for dolling out billions of dollars, didn't know "then" that some money given to EcoHealth was then given to the Bat lady but he does know now and just lied before a Senate committee.

I believe that there is more than enough evidence that Dr. Fauci is up to his ass in culpability just in case I didn't make that clear.

And YES, this virus was man made! What we can't proof yet, is whether the Chinese were just as surprised that it escaped as everybody else.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I wanted to hear the Biden lovers comment on this. I was hoping they would take me seriously.

It's just such a perfectly corrupted world to know there is evidence that Dr. Faucet of all people could be involved in creating the Corona Virus.

Whoever Dr. Faucet is, it's clear that someone else tells him what to say. He's not a real person. He's like Biden. He's a puppet.

That is clear because he admitted in an interview that he purposefully lied at the start of the pandemic and told people that masks do not help during a viral outbreak so that people wouldn't dry up the supply of masks. That implies to me that someone is telling him what to say, unless he is just an evil person who enjoys lying to people for no reason.

It also explains his strange answers while he is being questioned in court. He gives weird politician like responses to very direct and close-ended questions. You should listen to his response after someone asked him whether the BLM riots would increase the spread of the virus. After listening to that, I knew Dr. Facade was a hollow shell of a man.
I wanted to hear the Biden lovers comment on this. I was hoping they would take me seriously.

It's just such a perfectly corrupted world to know there is evidence that Dr. Faucet of all people could be involved in creating the Corona Virus.

Whoever Dr. Faucet is, it's clear that someone else tells him what to say. He's not a real person. He's like Biden. He's a puppet.

That is clear because he admitted in an interview that he purposefully lied at the start of the pandemic and told people that masks do not help during a viral outbreak so that people wouldn't dry up the supply of masks. That implies to me that someone is telling him what to say, unless he is just an evil person who enjoys lying to people for no reason.

It also explains his strange answers while he is being questioned in court. He gives weird politician like responses to very direct and close-ended questions. You should listen to his response after someone asked him whether the BLM riots would increase the spread of the virus. After listening to that, I knew Dr. Facade was a hollow shell of a man. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
I don't trust Fauci as far as I can throw that short bastard. If Masks were really beneficial, I would think they would have recommended them during Flu Seasons in the past at least for high risk individuals who have Asthma, COPD, elderly ect. but they never have until this Pandemic.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I used to think that Dr. Faggot was just an idiot, but now I think he is a highly educated person who is very knowledgeable about viruses, but someone else is pulling his strings. He just says what someone tells him to say.

Wasn't it H I M who mentioned that COVID could have come from a lab during several press briefings? The media flamed H I M for it. Now, the CDC is saying it.

I still don't trust the CDC, though. They also told us that there is zero evidence that it is man-made. Unless one is a psychopath, they probably wouldn't lie to the world for no reason. These people are also very educated and intelligent, so flip-flopping over every little question having to do with a topic they've devoted their lives to studying also seems bizarre. Why are they lying and flip-flopping so much? Probably because they are being controlled by an outside entity, and someone tells them what to say.
It's possible that a bureaucrat like Dr. Fauci, responsible for dolling out billions of dollars, didn't know "then" that some money given to EcoHealth was then given to the Bat lady but he does know now and just lied before a Senate committee.

I believe that there is more than enough evidence that Dr. Fauci is up to his ass in culpability just in case I didn't make that clear.

And YES, this virus was man made! What we can't proof yet, is whether the Chinese were just as surprised that it escaped as everybody else.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I don't think it escaped as in an accidental incident. I think it was purposely by design introduced into the population for the sole purpose of infecting populations across nations.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ yup
"If Masks were really beneficial, I would think they would have recommended them during Flu Seasons in the past at least for high risk individuals who have Asthma, COPD, elderly ect. but they never have until this Pandemic."

I believe the medical community strongly recommended the flu vaccine for a number of years and still does (yes, I know flu vaccine is not 100% effective, but the best we got currently) as they have recommended other vaccines, pneumovax,shingles, MMR,polio, etc.

Thing is there WAS NO Covid vaccine this time last year. Called "novel" virus for a one knew the true nature of the threat, the scene in NYC was worse than we've experienced in decades, supplies of N95 masks were too low for use by the public (even if they'd wear them), hence the cloth mask advisory as an available means of mitigation.
LexusLover's Avatar

It's just such a perfectly corrupted world to know there is evidence that Dr. Faucet of all people could be involved in creating the Corona Virus.

Whoever Dr. Faucet is, it's clear that someone else tells him what to say. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
The lab in question was funded by the Obaminable administration, who had Fauci on board at the time, but the Obaminable administration withdrew funding in 2014 due to the "safety" issues surrounding the cell development in the lab. Subsequently, Fauci, through a private funding entity owned by him (Fauci), began to provide funding in 2017 to continue the research and development of the cells in the lab.

The documentation of the above was released this past Fall (after the election) based upon a written request submitted to the U.S. government. The documents have been shown in newscasts, but I suspect not in the newscasts you select.

Fauci's explanation for lying is just another lie. He, Obaminable, and Bitten were privy to the government documents, knew what was ongoing there, and did so when making the decision to withdraw U.S. taxpayer funding for the dangerous lab.

I saw the goofball lie to Congress the other day claiming he had nothing to do with funding the lab. And he was confronted with the existence of the documents describing his relationship otherwise. He was lying over a year ago in hopes to dislodge his funding commitment and potential civil/criminal liability for continuing to oversee the ongoing research at the lab. BTW: The underlying research was for a cancer treatment.

Those revelations provide an explanation why Trump kept him onboard, but insignificant in the decision making through 2020.
I still don't trust the CDC, though. They also told us that there is zero evidence that it is man-made. .. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
There's a semantics game going on. The virus could be "isolated", "contained", "engineered", "altered", "modified"...any number of similar things. Same semantic game determining if it "escaped", "failed protocols", "inadequate protocols", "weaponized"...again similar things.

Fauci needs to be replaced and the ChiComs sued. When Fauci was before the Senate a few days ago he looked guilty as hell. Only Senator Paul had the guts to confront him.
LexusLover's Avatar
When Fauci was before the Senate a few days ago he looked guilty as hell. Only Senator Paul had the guts to confront him. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He was confronted by another Senator, who told Fauci the documents they had seen said he was financially involved. That is correct.

Those who were given life sentences from the Nuremberg Trials were those who actually believed that what they were doing was "right"! The nooses were generously utilized for those who knew it was wrong.....lying about it is evidence that one knows it's wrong.