I am an older man (76) and raised in a completely different time than today. I am nasty as I am old and happily can still have great sex. My weakness is a hot, sexy fun lady. I have been fortunate to be successful and often will meet for a date at my home when my wife is away. Regretfully for hobbyist purposes my home reflects success which I try to downplay.
I was raised to be very courteous and thoughtful of ladies, such as opening car doors, permitting them to exit an elevator first and even attempting a date to organism first.
You could say I am old fashioned.
I often wonder if I am too nice to an escort. I will tell my wife to flip over on her belly because I want to fuck her in the ass but I rarely do that with an escort. I could give other examples but I think you get the picture.
So, the real question is do the ladies think a man is a wimp if he is nice and courteous, not demanding and let’s his date know what he wants and is expecting but conveying that in a way that is not bossy, aggressive, demanding, or confrontational.
I do not put my date on a pedestal but certainly treat as her nice if not nicer than my wife.
I am interested in hearing from females in particular but also want to hear how males younger than me behave( when you do not have your dick in that glorious pussy) toward your date. Hopefully this topic provokes interesting responses.