Good Afternoon Buffalo,
I just wanted to say that I had a blast and am home safe now. Thank you everyone for your kindness and hospitality. I have no idea why it took me sooo long to muster up enough courage to visit. I will make it a point to try to visit at least once a month for those of you who want to see me.
BUT, I will say this to the gentleman who made a 2 hour appointment only to NCNS...... not only did you waste my time, you also blocked other people from seeing me during that time. There were people that I did not get a chance to see due to your inconsideracy. NOT COOL. I wouldn't even be upset had you have just text messaged/pm/etc saying that you were unable to make it.... would that have been too much to ask? I understand that unexpected things happen but a "heads up" would have made all the difference. Shame on you