Info on Metta May

bolera1's Avatar
Hey, guys and gals. In an odd spot here in Arkansas that makes finding providers a bit of a drive (an hour at most), but surprised to find someone in Eureka Springs.
Anyone have any experience or info on her? Seems like a nice woman. Says she does doubles, but I wonder if any other provider has met her too.
austin88998833's Avatar
I have never met her but she looks very interesting. I get a sexy hippie chick vibe reading her Tryst ad. It’s been 5 years since I was in Eureka Springs. . It may be time for a return trip!
bolera1's Avatar
I get a sexy hippie chick vibe reading her Tryst ad. Originally Posted by austin88998833
I know exactly what you mean and that's what piqued my interest in her. And the weather is getting better, so Eureka is a must, especially if you've been away for so long.
cgrman's Avatar
Same here.. been very curious about her as well.. plus I have never been to Eureaka Springs so its a win win if shes worth the short drive up there