21 To Dance Now?

Probably a long shot here, but I was told at SJ yesterday that dancers have to be 21 now. I imagine that means they will lose at least a dozen girls.

Anyone know if this is SJ specific or for all clubs? Would love to find out where these girls are going, especially Olivia, if anyone knows. TIA.
All clubs - a bunch of bottle girls and waitresses were all let go
  • ea6b
  • 05-28-2021, 08:11 AM
ya same at MC here was dead wed night
  • ea6b
  • 05-28-2021, 08:15 AM
Every time Government bureaucrats get together to make a law our lives get worse and more restricted. Losers!
Appreciate the replies, fellas. Anyone know where Olivia ended up?
Anyone know who to ask for at SJ that's over 22? Most of my favorites just got wiped out!
This will force those workers to the even darker part of sexually oriented business, good job Texas legislators, my opinion!
  • ea6b
  • 05-29-2021, 09:36 AM
found 1 on BP allready LOL not saying who
What they did was try and stop the trafficking issues that are a problem. When I was at the Ritz the other night, they had a raid. The girls wearing under 21 bracelets were asked to go outside with Uncle Leo.
Hunteradventurer's Avatar
It’s not just dancers, anyone that works in the club must be 21 or older, cooks, bus’s boys, waitresses...etc
If they were being trafficked in the club, will they now be trafficked outside the club?just asking
What they did was try and stop the trafficking issues that are a problem. Originally Posted by lickdenufz
LOL. Trafficking was never that big of a problem. See the link: https://www.ajc.com/news/local/torpy...Zbl5Fg0gsW1vO/

In 2011, when in the Dallas area, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said, “The Super Bowl is one of the biggest human-trafficking events in the United States.”

Earlier, a police sergeant there predicted that 50,000 to 100,000 prostitutes might arrive, enough to fill a stadium.

After the game, The Dallas Morning News reported there were 59 prostitution arrests, and none were of minors.

n 2012 in Indianapolis, there were a reported 68 prostitution arrests, two that involved human trafficking.

In 2013, New Orleans had 85 prostitution-related arrests and two cases of trafficking, according to the Advocate.

In 2014 in New Jersey, where the game took place in East Rutherford, there were "45 people arrested and 16 juveniles rescued in a two-week crackdown,"

In 2015 in Phoenix, there were 71 prostitution arrests, and nine of the suspects were underaged.

In 2016 in Santa Clara, Calif., there were 42 prostitution arrests, with two girls under 18.

In 2017, Houston had 217 vice arrests over 10 days — 56 for prostitution (four were ID'd as trafficking victims), 11 pimps and 100-plus johns.

Last year in Minneapolis, police arrested 94 men and "made contact with 28 potential victims ages 17-49," presumably women in prostitution. Six told police they were trafficked.

Justice Department numbers show that 2,515 trafficking cases were investigated in a 30-month period starting January 2008. Seemingly, the feds have stepped up their game since. In 2012, there were 1,923 cases of human trafficking nationwide.

Granted, victims are often hard to find and often won’t cooperate. But the numbers seem underwhelming compared to the purported crisis. And it would seem if you want to solve a problem, you should be accurate in enumerating it.

End of quotes from that article.

Now look at this story about a girl being trafficked, then look at her picture: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...on/2658224002/

Look, it is tragic when real trafficking goes on, but that story makes it sound like the chick in the article above was a straight A student and a virgin. Real trafficking is when you are doing something against your will.

For the most part, trafficking is just an excuse for law enforcement to arrest and steal from johns. It turns prostitution from a victimless crime into ones where women are victims and quite frankly, I am sick of that.

Strippers and hos are now all victims. They all had full ride scholarships to Harvard until men corrupted them, the poor things. As you can see above, there are not that many women trafficked, and LE is tripping over itself to inflate the numbers.
Appreciate the replies, fellas. Anyone know where Olivia ended up? Originally Posted by james832
Probably screwing one of her regulars, that will dry up eventually.
If they were being trafficked in the club, will they now be trafficked outside the club?just asking Originally Posted by trickydicky
Yea, it is a stupid law. Let's take away safer options that are easier for us to police and assume that protects people.

I understand some of the people who were pushing for this law was the family of the girl who died in a drunk driving accident after working at D.B. Cooper's. The club got shut down over it, which it rightly should have been. However, this same thing could have happened to the girl had she worked at a bar or club that wasn't a sexually oriented business. This law doesn't prevent that.