Meanwhile, back in Arizona...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
...auditors have found 11,300 ballots, that only voted in federal elections (president, senate, and house), that cannot be verified. Meaning, the signatures or addresses cannot be verified as legitimate. These are not the only federal only ballots but they stand out as "wrong".

The problem arises that Arizona allows people to vote without proof of US citizenship. A bank statement or something similar was all that was necessary to vote in federal elections. If these ballots are eventually thrown out it could change the outcome of two races; Trump-Biden and McSally-Kelly.

If a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound?
If an event occurs and the media refuses to report on it, does it actually happen? Liberals should ask themselves that question.
bambino's Avatar
There’s tons of evidence. There’s 140,000 in Atlanta that they don’t know where they came from. 200,000 in Wisconsin. This is public knowledge. I’ve already posted the links. The fraud in Az is actually less than Pa, Ga, Mi and Wi.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
As Hunter would say, tru' dat. Its just starting to get real now. The sweat pumps are popping around the country.
bambino's Avatar
As Hunter would say, tru' dat. Its just starting to get real now. The sweat pumps are popping around the country. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Yep. They are trying to block the forensic examination of the machines. If they have nothing to hide, why are they trying to block it? One with common sense might ask.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The great lie is getting exposed Hum, I wonder how big techies will try to censor
bambino's Avatar
The great lie is getting exposed Hum, I wonder how big techies will try to censor Originally Posted by rexdutchman
They have been since 11/3 2020
Jacuzzme's Avatar
As Hunter would say, tru' dat. Its just starting to get real now. The sweat pumps are popping around the country. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don’t think they are, the perps in this election fiasco aren’t worried at all. The media will just ignore it and pretend biden was actually elected. Anything that goes against it will be censored on every platform. All faith that we are actually living in a functional democracy was lost, at least on me, when the techies blatantly buried the Hunter story just days before the election.

Edit: And what happens if what any thinking person knows is true actually comes to light and the media is forced to cover it? Do Joe and the ho get tossed and Trump installed as the rightful president he is? Good luck with that, hope you’ve got enough ammo.
I only read your Evidence thread off and on Bambino.

I'd rather see the threads broken out by state...
with the evidence/findings highlighted. We probably read many of the same websites. There's too many "get your popcorn ready" remarks that don't enlighten and there's too many side stories of court battles, etc that just confuse.

The Republican party isn't doing itself any favors by not paying attention to these findings. They needs a "dirty tricks" committee to publicize what is being found not just for the turning over the election but so that the same tricks can't be used next time. We need people in the crowd to shout relavent questions the media won't ask, scouring
SJW websites and building our own databases.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Again with The Gateway Pundit?

Previous claims by TGP:

“Ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County” from the 2020 presidential election “found shredded and in dumpster days before Senate audit to begin.”

Totally false.

“Newly discovered video shows late night deliveries of tens of thousands of illegal ballots 8 hours after deadline.”

Totally false.

The Gateway Pundit media bias rating is Right.

The AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Gateway Pundit is far right. This is because the website actively posts articles supporting presidential candidate Donald Trump, while tearing down Secretary Hillary Clinton. The Gateway Pundit was founded in 2004 by two brothers. With community feedback and more research, the bias rating of far right is subject to change.

Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

"Proceed with caution. This website severely violates basic standards of credibility and transparency."

I'm sure that those doing the "forensic audit" in Arizona are aware of this.

Taken from state of Arizona proof of citizenship requirements:

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a “federal only” voter). A “federal only” voter will become eligible to vote a “full ballot” in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder’s office.

Federal only voters may use the Federal Voter Registration form, available here:

This form is valid in all states, not just Arizona.

Who Can Use this Application

If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address
within the United States, you can use the application in
this booklet to:

• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.

Is there fraud involved? Doubtful.
bambino's Avatar
Again with The Gateway Pundit?

Previous claims by TGP:

“Ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County” from the 2020 presidential election “found shredded and in dumpster days before Senate audit to begin.”

Totally false.

“Newly discovered video shows late night deliveries of tens of thousands of illegal ballots 8 hours after deadline.”

Totally false.

The Gateway Pundit media bias rating is Right.

The AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Gateway Pundit is far right. This is because the website actively posts articles supporting presidential candidate Donald Trump, while tearing down Secretary Hillary Clinton. The Gateway Pundit was founded in 2004 by two brothers. With community feedback and more research, the bias rating of far right is subject to change.

Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

"Proceed with caution. This website severely violates basic standards of credibility and transparency."

I'm sure that those doing the "forensic audit" in Arizona are aware of this.

Taken from state of Arizona proof of citizenship requirements:

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a “federal only” voter). A “federal only” voter will become eligible to vote a “full ballot” in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder’s office.

Federal only voters may use the Federal Voter Registration form, available here:

This form is valid in all states, not just Arizona.

Who Can Use this Application

If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address
within the United States, you can use the application in
this booklet to:

• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.

Is there fraud involved? Doubtful. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
How about previous claims by your sources? You still haven’t refuted anything they reported. Most times they’re quoting your sources. Like the NYT.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Here comes speedy with the “fact checking” and source bashing.

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a “federal only” voter).
And as full blown retarded as that is, dems want to make it even EASIER to have millions of illegals vote.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It’s not source bashing if the source is lying.

You defending the gateway pundit?

Perhaps you just oughtta saddle up and head on down there’s keep an eye on em!
bambino's Avatar
Who’s keeping an eye on the MSM and Big Tech? They lie everyday. When they’re not lying they’re covering up and censoring.,
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Again with The Gateway Pundit?

Previous claims by TGP:

“Ballots in Arizona’s Maricopa County” from the 2020 presidential election “found shredded and in dumpster days before Senate audit to begin.”

Totally false.

“Newly discovered video shows late night deliveries of tens of thousands of illegal ballots 8 hours after deadline.”

Totally false.

The Gateway Pundit media bias rating is Right.

The AllSides Bias Rating™ for The Gateway Pundit is far right. This is because the website actively posts articles supporting presidential candidate Donald Trump, while tearing down Secretary Hillary Clinton. The Gateway Pundit was founded in 2004 by two brothers. With community feedback and more research, the bias rating of far right is subject to change.

Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.

"Proceed with caution. This website severely violates basic standards of credibility and transparency."

I'm sure that those doing the "forensic audit" in Arizona are aware of this.

Taken from state of Arizona proof of citizenship requirements:

A person is not required to submit proof of citizenship with the voter registration form, but failure to do so means the person will only be eligible to vote in federal elections (known as being a “federal only” voter). A “federal only” voter will become eligible to vote a “full ballot” in all federal, state, county and local elections if he or she later provides valid proof of citizenship to the appropriate County Recorder’s office.

Federal only voters may use the Federal Voter Registration form, available here:

This form is valid in all states, not just Arizona.

Who Can Use this Application

If you are a U.S. citizen who lives or has an address
within the United States, you can use the application in
this booklet to:

• Register to vote in your State,
• Report a change of name to your voter registration
• Report a change of address to your voter registration
office, or
• Register with a political party.

Is there fraud involved? Doubtful. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You'd be better off challenging the story and not the source. Anything else is a waste of energy.
the problem as I see it is no matter the bald-faced irrefutable evidence of irregularity and fraud that may be gathered

it will be ignored by the perps and their enablers and the dimiwits who would believe a dimocrat and aside from maybe a few lower court rulings by federal judges the courts wont be much help as any after the fact remedy