Netanyahu OUSTED! About time!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Bibi needed to go.

Trump bought him four years he didn't deserve.

I don't know if I'm a big fan of what's coming for Israel, but fuck Bibi. He's a corrupt POS and needs to answer to the people.

Who'll monitor the space lasers now?

Netanyahu out as new Israeli government approved
Published53 minutes ago

Benjamin Netanyahu has lost his 12-year hold on power in Israel after its parliament voted in a new coalition government.

Right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett has been sworn in as prime minister, leading a "government of change".

He will lead an unprecedented coalition of parties which was approved with a razor-thin majority of 60-59.

Mr Bennett will be prime minister until September 2023 as part of a power-sharing deal.

He will then hand power over to Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid, for a further two years.

Mr Netanyahu - Israel's longest-serving leader who has dominated its political landscape for years - will remain head of the right-wing Likud party and become leader of the opposition.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's unseated long-term leader
The rise of Naftali Bennett, Israel's new PM
During the debate in the Knesset (parliament), a defiant Mr Netanyahu promised: "We'll be back."

After the vote, Mr Netanyahu walked over to Mr Bennett and shook his hand.

However, representatives of the Palestinians have reacted dismissively to Israel's new government.

"This is an internal Israeli affair. Our position has always been clear, what we want is a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with Jerusalem as its capital," a spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said.

"It is an occupation and a colonial entity, which we should resist by force to get our rights back," said a spokesman for Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza.

US President Joe Biden has already sent his congratulations to Mr Bennett, saying he looks forward to working with him.

After the confidence vote was announced, Benjamin Netanyahu went and sat back in the prime minister's chair in the Knesset chamber.

He had to be ushered to the opposition benches instead.

It was a moment of political history - Mr Netanyahu literally unseated as Israel's longest serving leader.

He's not going anywhere, for now at least. He'll stay in that opposition chair and try to unpick, pull apart and otherwise "overthrow" - as he puts it - the coalition of the first new prime minister in 12 years.

This government is Israel's broadest ever - but that could also make it the most unstable. Naftali Bennett will have his work cut out just holding the parties together.

Why has this happened?

Mr Netanyahu served five terms, first from 1996 to 1999, then continuously from 2009 to 2021.

He called an election in April 2019 but failed to win enough support to form a new coalition government. Two more inconclusive elections followed.

After the third, he formed a government of national unity with then-opposition leader Benny Gantz, but the deal collapsed and Israel went back to the polls in March.

Likud emerged as the largest party, but after Mr Netanyahu was again unable to form a government, the task passed to Mr Lapid, whose party came second.

Opposition to Mr Netanyahu staying in power had grown, not just among the left and centre but also among right-wing parties that are ordinarily ideologically aligned to Likud, including Yamina.

Although Yamina came joint fifth in the election with only seven seats, its support was critical. After weeks of negotiations, Mr Lapid brought Yamina on board as part of a constellation of parties whose only common goal was to remove Mr Netanyahu from office.

The agreement involving eight factions with the 61 seats required for a majority was signed on 2 June, just half an hour before a deadline was due to expire, effectively sealing Mr Netanyahu's fate.

What will the new government be like?

In appearance, Mr Bennett's government will be unlike any which has preceded it in Israel's 73-year history.

The alliance contains parties which have vast ideological differences, and perhaps most significantly includes the first independent Arab party to be part of a potential ruling coalition, Raam. It is also expected to have a record number of nine female ministers.

The inclusion of Raam and left-wing non-Arab Israeli parties means there could be friction on issues such as Israeli policies towards Palestinians - Yamina and another right-wing party, New Hope, are staunch supporters of Jewish settlement in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, for instance.

There could also be difficulties over social policies - while some parties want to advance gay rights, such as recognising same-sex marriages, Raam, an Islamist party, is against this.

In addition, some parties want to relax religious restrictions more extensively than Yamina - a national-religious party - will likely allow.

Mr Bennett has indicated his government would focus on areas where agreement was possible, like economic issues or the coronavirus pandemic, while avoiding more contentious matters.

"Nobody will have to give up their ideology," he recently said, "but all will have to postpone the realisation of some of their dreams... We'll focus on what can be achieved, rather than arguing about what cannot."
I don't see it going well, the guy's a Tech oligarch that is more of a Zion Supremacist than Bibi was. He's already stated that he opposes a two-state system and refuses to recognize Palestine. I smell blood in the water.
winn dixie's Avatar
God bless Bibi! He will be missed.

Long live Israel.
I don't see it going well, the guy's a Tech oligarch that is more of a Zion Supremacist than Bibi was. He's already stated that he opposes a two-state system and refuses to recognize Palestine. I smell blood in the water. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Israel could end up being in the same boat we're in. Two sinking ships surrounded by enemies. That's not good.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If they don't put him in jail "HE"LL BE BACK"! To many Leftest will Fuck it up just like here in the good ole USA.
bambino's Avatar
They must have bought Dominion machines.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just like a drunk or a drug addict, you can't help them till they hit rock bottom and WE are on our way to hitting rock bottom before change will come. I hope we make it out of this darkness.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't know if I'm a big fan of what's coming for Israel... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
??? You know "what's coming"? Tell us more!

Are you going to start posting "NCSWIC" like your pal bam does?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Lots of "wringing of hands" I would suspect.
lustylad's Avatar
Right-wing nationalist Naftali Bennett has been sworn in as prime minister...

He will lead an unprecedented coalition of parties which was approved with a razor-thin majority of 60-59. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
"Razor-thin" is right! Does this mean if a single seat in the Knesset defects on a no-confidence vote, the government collapses?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't see this coalition lasting 1 year.

bibi's party likud is going to try to undermine everything Bennett tries to do.

the key here is the minor right wing parties. thats the weak link.

I was surprised that Ayelet Shaked of Yamina would side with Bennett instead of bibi. her choice.

bambino's Avatar
"Razor-thin" is right! Does this mean if a single seat in the Knesset defects on a no-confidence vote, the government collapses? Originally Posted by lustylad
I guess, but YR sure seems to be excited by this.


Jacuzzme's Avatar
A bit OT, but one of the most insightful articles you’ll ever read.
I hope we make it out of this darkness. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I just hope we make it out with our dicks and our rights intact, and not as a bunch of tranny slaves.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess, but YR sure seems to be excited by this.


BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
Bibi is out.

One by one, the crooks fall.

Again, I’m not sure how it’s going to work moving forward with a coalition of far right and far left, but this is an example of what happens when people just flat out hate a despot. They’ll do anything to get rid of him.

Am Israel chai!