Does she need lube because shes not enthused?

gimme_that's Avatar
Ok.....pardon the way I'm asking this I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from or maybe I have pondered this too much.

I notice many ladies now offer or it has been pointed out in reviews are natural squirters. I think this is a cool thing although I haven't experienced it much.

Mainly for these reasons I thought ladies more naturally lubricated could.....

1. I all but assume vaginal intercourse will be a smooth transition for her and me since she's naturally lubricated.

2. I feel to some extent she is enthused or getting pleasure and her body is proof of that.

3. The lubricating oils which are used in ladies natural state are cold as fuck (and the warming ones burn) and for a second take me out of the mood for a short temporary moment. Or they reach for too big a glob of lube to moisten themselves and intercourse promptly moves to a more slippery and spongey feeling.....until of course the lube wears away to some extent.

4. I predict to some extent, she may be so jaded, or unenthused sexually that she needs natures help to moisten herself. (Good daty usually I thought would do the trick very well.)

So hears my question.......and maybe I'm overanalyzing this.....

Hobbyist: Are there any hobbyist out there that are sort of turned off by lube being needed for vaginal intercourse after foreplay has taken place?

I'm not speaking on the apparent use for it, (as I understand the concept as to why its used for easier vaginal intercourse)......moreso that she needs it to accommodate you. I guess this is a more mental question than physical.


Chime in......I'm curious what you think. I know it seems weird. Just be easy.

I've just been in a few situations where I was with a lady and I had lube and never used it. She basically would tell me with this sexy sexual confidence....."I won't be needing any of that."
Naomi4u's Avatar
I've never needed lube or had it suggested (for me) during one of my dates so can't relate here.
I have never had to have lube used on me- so I guess I couldn't give any useful opinion or advice on this subject, however, I’m sure it’s would be sort of embarrassing if a lady has to stop in the middle or at the end of 4 play to lube up.
If I were a lady, it would make me feel bad for the gentlemen because he maybe thinking he isn’t turning me on enough or something.
Let’s face it, once some women reach a certain age they just can’t produce their natural lube as well as they could back when they were younger, there could be numerous reasons why.

Then there are some reasons that have nothing to do with age, i.e., having a full hysterectomy could definitely interfere with hormones.
I don't use it all the time but sometimes the warming sensations one feels pretty good!
Sometimes the lube helps if there hasn't been enough of the foreplay. All depends.
Many of these girls use a bit of lube for all sorts of reasons. Mainly cause they are having intercourse more than once a day which could slow down their natural lubricating ability and they may need some extra assurance with the use of condoms. It really isn't no big deal and I wouldn't say it's an indicator that she isn't aroused.
I don't use it all the time but sometimes the warming sensations one feels pretty good!
Sometimes the lube helps if there hasn't been enough of the foreplay. All depends. Originally Posted by Shayla
15 minute $50 sessions come to mind.
shorty's Avatar
I've never had a lady use lube before.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I try to be the first to see a girl and if she isn't wet then I haven't done my job!
Many of these girls use a bit of lube for all sorts of reasons. Mainly cause they are having intercourse more than once a day which could slow down their natural lubricating ability and they may need some extra assurance with the use of condoms. It really isn't no big deal and I wouldn't say it's an indicator that she isn't aroused. Originally Posted by acp5762

I rarely see 1-2 a week, I esp. don't see 1-2 a day, so I don't have to really worry about not getting turned on when I do have an appointment. lol...

My location sucks, and I don't travel much at all.
awl4knot's Avatar
I try to be the first to see a girl and if she isn't wet then I haven't done my job! Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Some ladies don't warm up until the second or third visit of the day so your best efforts may be wasted on her slow rising libido. Or so I have been told.
burkalini's Avatar
I try to be the first to see a girl and if she isn't wet then I haven't done my job! Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi

I promise you that you are not the first one to see the girl. lol
Still Looking's Avatar
I promise you that you are not the first one to see the girl. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
Might not be in the Top 5? LOL
shorty's Avatar
But she told me I was her first!!
Ya'll just answered a question of mine that has been lingering in my mind for the longest.
I know if I were a man that was dipping my wick into an escort that same thought would be popping into my head as my head popped into the gal, "What number am I today?"
Women are different from each other just like men are. Some girls run like a river at the slightest provocation, others are naturally quite dry, and most are somewhere in between. Ladies that are drier need lube, especially with latex condoms. This isn't rocket science, guys; with biology nothing is set in stone and there is considerable variation within the range of normality.