Liberals and science....

bambino's Avatar
Oh, they try to use science to perpetuate their bullshit. Climate change, scam. Wearing masks, bullshit. But here’s a bit of science that explains their thinking;

winn dixie's Avatar

More like the evolution of a lib! bahahahahaha
"The defining characteristic of the deuterostome is the fact that the blastopore (the opening at the bottom of the forming gastrula) becomes the anus, whereas in protostomes the blastopore becomes the mouth. The deuterostome mouth develops at the opposite end of the embryo, from the blastopore, and a digestive tract develops in the middle, connecting the two.

In many animals these early development stages later evolved in ways that no longer reflect these original patterns. For instance, humans have already formed a gut tube at the time of formation of the mouth and anus. Then the mouth forms first, during the fourth week of development, and the anus forms four weeks later, temporarily forming acloaca."

Might be confusing mouth with anus. Common mistake here by those who profess to understand science.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Looks like you also took a course in embryonic development.

If I remember right; the entire digestive system begins to form when the embryo outside flipped to also become the inside. Thus the skin, and the digestive track have the same beginning cell type. It has been 40 years since I took that course: but, embryonic development hasn't changed - just our level of understanding.
They're pro-science until the science says something they don't like. Then academia lobbies to change it. The Scientific Method has been co-opted and scientific academia has turned into a sort of fraternity with its' own politics and agenda. It's not about pushing humanity forward, it's about getting paid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They're pro-science until the science says something they don't like. Then academia lobbies to change it. The Scientific Method has been co-opted and scientific academia has turned into a sort of fraternity with its' own politics and agenda. It's not about pushing humanity forward, it's about getting paid. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Howzabout an example or two.
Not about to debate the "publish or perish" effect on scientific research.

Merely pointing out that the original poster was incorrect in his innuendo as often happens when those who don't truly understand weigh in on that that which they have no foundation.
or, you know, he was trying to make a joke
Oh, I get it now, the joke's on hom.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
here's a quick cursory scrape off google: Originally Posted by GastonGlock
Thanks for the effort. Some good points in there.

I'm reminded of Ghostbusters, when the boys got kicked out of the university. I know a bunch of academics and they're in a tough racket.

However, the OP isn't really about any of that. It's a headline, a few disparaging words and link to a social media post of a picture of some dude's jizz.

I'm trying to make the connection.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Just heard it on the news, not going to bother to find an article but supposedly a scientist admitted that he was prone to dismissing "science" if Trump believed, supported it proving, well, in one case that for some, Trump "trumps" science but then we all knew that already.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
They're pro-science until the science says something they don't like. Then academia lobbies to change it. The Scientific Method has been co-opted and scientific academia has turned into a sort of fraternity with its' own politics and agenda. It's not about pushing humanity forward, it's about getting paid. Originally Posted by GastonGlock
It's true of both sides, and by both sides, I'm talking about the people in power and on television who make hundreds of millions of dollars.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Oh, they try to use science to perpetuate their bullshit. Climate change, scam. Wearing masks, bullshit. But here’s a bit of science that explains their thinking;

BAHAHAHAHA Originally Posted by bambino
swamptech's Avatar
look how retarded this thread is.
- OP creates a topic off a meme, no article/no news
- Posts a LINK, not content, and expects a 'discussion'

Post #14 is what the OP should've been
Post #7 is the substance OP needed to follow-up with if he wasn't a child
Just keep spamming this board with your shitty threads, bro

"Racism is inherent in DNA of white ppl, but DNA has no biological difference in the races"
- liberal science