Is there a way to ignore certain posters on here? Haven’t been on here that long, but certain thread bumping posters are sucking the enjoyment out of reading posts on this site.
If the mods would do their job and bam these 2 posting. By ignoring them the mods are supporting them. Tt and wd should be banned.
Originally Posted by Otisdriftwood
For what? Posting facts that some dont like?
Anybody following the Dallas amp/spa debacle? Its all about promoters and trafficking. Many of those businesses are gone.
Thanks BigATX I hope everyone does this.
Remember, these slime balls continue to re-emerge under different tags after they are banned or ignored too long.
Save the instructions.
Just as a caution, you can get a warning, or penalty, if you tell the person you are blocking that you are doing so. Also, it is true that if you block someone and they are quoted, you can still read their posts. Best thing to do is ignore them, but I realize that is like asking you to ignore a hemorroid.