What would you do ?

JasminDelights's Avatar
I’m sure it’s know but I’m not much of a dater since my fiancé passed away but I’m had an interesting turn of events and I’ve had a friend of 8 years start to look at taking things a bit more serious than just a friendship. His preference would be that I stop doing my hobby and just stick with my full time job and make ends meet that way.
Have any gals or men been given ultimatums by their significant others for them to stop hobby to have a serious relationship or to stop hobby or the relationship ends. I’m rather fond of the friendships I’ve made and I’m kinda way to sexual to just stick with one individual. Even my ex fiancé and I would have multiple partners we knew enjoy experiences with us but I definitely want to see where the potential of this friendship would go but I’m curious if it’s worth no hobbling all together.
Just curious if anyone’s had that experience and what they did. Not because I’m taking your guys advice but I’m just curious if anyone been through that.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
I have no practical experience in this regard, but my advice is to do what is right for you.
JasminDelights's Avatar
I have no practical experience in this regard, but my advice is to do what is right for you. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
Mannnn.. that’s a loaded statement

I’d like to see where things go but I’m fond of things right now
Follow your heart! If you are happy where you are, then he needs to appreciate who you are. Make the changes in your life because you want change not because someone wants to change you. Just be happy!
Changing for someone else -- unless those changes are necessary because they are damaging to yourself or others around you (most addictions, severely critical religious / social / cultural viewpoints, generally scientifically or medically recognized healthy weight or diet goals, hoarding, other things similar to those broad areas) is not normally a successful approach to living your Own Best Life. Whatever you define as Your Own Best Life is the ultimate goal -- and if a partner can't find a way to reach some form of common ground where there are differing opinions or beliefs, perhaps that person isn't a good fit as more than a friend.
FiddleSticks's Avatar
You've already answered your own question by making this post.

If you were serious about this new guy and wanted it to work with him, then you would give up hobby.

But since you made this post, and need "justification" for your choice, then you obviously don't want to give it up and need to tell this dude to kick rocks.
He's going to continue to try to control you and if you don't put an end to it now, you are going to be 5-10yrs down the road "newly single and back to the hobby" after a long abusive relationship.
I think you've got options.

I think that if you're curious about getting serious with this person, enough to consider giving up the hobby, the risk is relatively low in doing so.

You have a solid reputation here, you could give the relationship a test run, if it works and you're happier, great. If it doesn't, you will always have this reputation waiting for you upon your return.

Contemplate what you think might be best, then take that action and test that theory. There is no harm in leaving and coming back. Several ladies have done just that.
JasminDelights's Avatar
You've already answered your own question by making this post.

If you were serious about this new guy and wanted it to work with him, then you would give up hobby.

But since you made this post, and need "justification" for your choice, then you obviously don't want to give it up and need to tell this dude to kick rocks.
He's going to continue to try to control you and if you don't put an end to it now, you are going to be 5-10yrs down the road "newly single and back to the hobby" after a long abusive relationship. Originally Posted by FiddleSticks
Haha I think you must have mistaken my curiosity for justification I’ve already made my decision I’m more so curious what other men and women have done in my situation over anything.
I know the signs for physical and emotional abuse and I don’t find his request to be controlling more so wanting to pave a fresh foundation for the opportunity’s we could have.
JasminDelights's Avatar
I think you've got options.

I think that if you're curious about getting serious with this person, enough to consider giving up the hobby, the risk is relatively low in doing so.

You have a solid reputation here, you could give the relationship a test run, if it works and you're happier, great. If it doesn't, you will always have this reputation waiting for you upon your return.

Contemplate what you think might be best, then take that action and test that theory. There is no harm in leaving and coming back. Several ladies have done just that. Originally Posted by seekinggradeAbj
I appreciate that feedback. It’s been the first time in 8 years since either one of us have been uncommitted to an individual and frankly their something about hit 6”11 muscular tatted body that just makes me weak in my knees
I’ve discussed a 6 month test run and I feel rather comfortable of what’s expected of one another in that time frame. I appreciate your feedback
I hope you had some fun this past week
The more you write, the more intrigued you sound. Go for it! Best of luck! Give me a hard stop date so I can know how much time I've got left to see ya
Follow your heart if this is what you want.
JasminDelights's Avatar
The more you write, the more intrigued you sound. Go for it! Best of luck! Give me a hard stop date so I can know how much time I've got left to see ya Originally Posted by seekinggradeAbj
February 1st all the fun ends for me
I’m definitely excited to see where this chapter takes me
KatiforYou's Avatar
If you post this in the women’s area I’ll answer honestly. Provider feedback may help you out a little more.
queenV's Avatar
I was in a relationship at te very beginning before I was on eccie. He was ok with it at the beginning. I was easing out of the hobby because this is a lifestyle and you just cant stop intantly. But it did not work out and we ended up breaking up. We still talk from time to time. But I say it takes a very strong and secure man to date a lady in the hobby.

Enjoy this new adventure!
JasminDelights's Avatar
If you post this in the women’s area I’ll answer honestly. Provider feedback may help you out a little more. Originally Posted by KatiforYou
Your welcome to message me