Sen. Ted Cruz: Dems' 'Defund the Police' – here's their desperate ploy to escape blame for rising crime rates

  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 08:39 AM
Democrats have called to defund the police for over a year and have been successful in doing it

When a White House press secretary gives a press briefing, you expect spin. You expect some verbal bobbing and weaving if the topic is unflattering to the administration. But when Jen Psaki blamed Republicans for defunding the police last week, it wasn’t spin – it was gaslighting.
Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked Psaki about senior adviser to the president Cedric Richmond’s claim that Republicans have defunded the police by not voting to pass Biden’s American Rescue Plan. Psaki defended Richmond, doubling down on the idea that Republicans, and not Democrats, have defunded the police.
That’s like an arsonist showing up as the fire’s blazing and blaming the firemen; it’s the like the Chinese Communist Party blaming America for the Wuhan virus; it’s like O.J. saying he’s going to help find the real killer. It’s absurd, it’s ridiculous, and Democrats know it.
Let’s look at the facts.
Democrats have called to defund the police for over a year and have been successful in doing it.
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New York Mayor Bill de Blasio last summer pledged to cut the NYPD budget by $1 billion, and New York City passed a budget that did indeed cut $1 billion from the police department. Just a couple of months ago de Blasio realized what a terrible decision that was because he’s now working to reverse it.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., has said "defunding the police means defunding the police" and "the fight to defund the police continues." Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has called for "no more policing," Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., said "you can’t really reform a department that is rotten to the root," and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., introduced legislation to defund police officers in public schools and has said that defunding the police is "about true reparations."
And you want to know what Joe Biden thinks about defunding the police? Look no further than two of the people he nominated to senior positions at the Department of Justice, Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke.
Gupta wrote, "Some people call it ‘defunding the police,’ other people call it ‘divest-invest,’ but whatever you call it, if you care about mass incarceration, you have to care about skewed funding priorities." Clarke wrote last year that a "unifying call" had emerged from the Black Lives Matter movement to defund the police.
The facts are Democrats have repeatedly called to defund the police and have done so in many cities.
They are now among the top leadership at the Department of Justice.
Further, Democrat-led city councils all over the country have voted to defund the police. Last year, the Los Angeles city council cut the police budget by $150 million, Portland cut $15 million from its police budget, Minneapolis cut $8 million from its police budget, and Seattle cut its police budget by 18%.
Now, those Democrat-led cities are reaping what they sowed – crime rates are skyrocketing. The New York Times has reported that homicides in Los Angeles increased 36%, more than 82% in Portland, and almost 72% in Minneapolis last year, and it looks like those homicide spikes will continue this year.

And just last month, Democrats on the Oakland, California, city council voted to cut over $18 million from the police department, when Oakland is seeing a 90% increase in homicides over last year.
The New York Times has also reported data is showing that in 2020, homicide rates increased more than 30% in big cities and so far they’re increasing this year too. Some preliminary data shows there were 4,000 more murders in 2020 than there were in 2019, according to the Guardian.
Democrats know that the politics and the policy of defunding the police are not working for them, which is why they’re desperately trying to blame Republicans.
Not only did some Democrats blame calls to defund the police for close races last November and a razor-thin Democrat majority in the U.S. Senate, they know it’s not popular with the American people. A recent USA Today poll found that only 18% of Americans support defunding the police – and a large majority of African Americans and Democrats don’t support funding the police.
The facts are Democrats have repeatedly called to defund the police and have done so in many cities. As a result, crime is rising and Democrat policies have had deadly consequences.
Not only have homicides risen, but there were more law enforcement officer fatalities in 2020 than there have been in 46 years, since 1974 –264 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty, many from COVID-19 as a result of being first responders during the pandemic and from getting shot while on duty.
Republicans support the police and Democrats have led a campaign to defund the police. For the Biden administration to suggest otherwise is a cynical, calculated lie.

Without their Lies - as Psaki proves - the DPST/fascist woud be Silent!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yupper that and lets let the peaceful riots happen
Chung Tran's Avatar
There was a big increase in homicides and LE killings, in 2020, as you posted. Republicans ran the Federal Government. The response from Republican Governers and Legislatures was to ease gun control restrictions. Why does that make sense?
There was a big increase in homicides and LE killings, in 2020, as you posted. Republicans ran the Federal Government. The response from Republican Governers and Legislatures was to ease gun control restrictions. Why does that make sense? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think you have been misinformed. Federal Task Forces were sent to cities like St. Louis, Kansas City and I believe Chicago and others. The Missouri governor sent State Hwy Patrol officers to St Louis to assist local police.
Cities like Portland turned down Federal assistance because they like watching their city being destroyed.
What a coincidence that most cities with large increases in crime have democrat Mayors (Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, NYC, St Louis, Kansas City, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, etc.)
All cities are having trouble hiring police, can you believe that, even dems aren't stupid enough to want that job

Since Dem mayors can't control their own cities, don't citizen have the right to protect themselves
HedonistForever's Avatar
There was a big increase in homicides and LE killings, in 2020, as you posted. Republicans ran the Federal Government. The response from Republican Governers and Legislatures was to ease gun control restrictions. Why does that make sense? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

It makes sense in that you don't let the federal government make these decisions no matter who is running the federal government. Violent crimes and what to do about them should be decided by States. If a State decides that there should be fewer gun controls and violent crime rises, it is the people in that State that should decide if it was a good idea to loosen gun controls. If a State feels like it needs help from the federal government, they can always ask for that help. WTF is so complicated about that

IMHO, this is why the Founding Fathers decided in the Constitution to enumerate what laws the federal government shall be given and all other laws will be left up to the States.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
defunding the police.

did the democrats commit political suicide over this?

choo choo train: gun control does not stop crime. since when has any criminal ever obeyed any laws on this subject.
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2021, 07:03 PM
CT - when teh Fascist DPST's refuse to allow the Police to protect the safety of teh citizens, and want to confiscate all law abiding citizens weapons of self-protection from armed rioting criminals intent on mayhem, It is up to citizens to protect themselves from both criminals - and the fascist DPST's elected who refuse to protect teh voters - and instead are focused on 'racism' in every corner they see as the cause of the violence they cooperate and advocate for.

San Francisco DA official says crime surge fears linked to racism

IMHP - confiscation of teh fascist DPST hated AR-15 will not control crime - and the DPSAT city leaders will not disarm and control their criminals.

And - CT - the fascist DPST 'racism' - is directed by the pet OBLM terrorists - Against Asians - to the glee of teh DPSAT city leaders of violence over-run cities.
Chung Tran's Avatar

Since Dem mayors can't control their own cities, don't citizen have the right to protect themselves Originally Posted by randy.creed77
Republican Governers can't control their States.

[QUOTE=HedonistForever;10625155 16][SIZE=3] If a State decides that there should be fewer gun controls and violent crime rises, it is the people in that State that should decide if it was a good idea to loosen gun controls.

Abbott is encouraging Texans to be armed, no license or background check needed. Violent gun crimes are way up in Texas this year.

choo choo train: gun control does not stop crime. since when has any criminal ever obeyed any laws on this subject. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It doesn't? Tell that to the people in Vietnam. Strict gun control, and you can walk down any major city street at 3:00 a.m., and be totally safe.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
It doesn't? Tell that to the people in Vietnam. Strict gun control, and you can walk down any major city street at 3:00 a.m., and be totally safe. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
mr. smarty pants.

last time I checked. Vietnam is still a authoritarian communist state (apparently with a soft touch). They can do the "nasty" when their citizens do something they don't approve of.

I'm sure they have "crime" there, they just don't report it officially. Bad PR for the commie state.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1062515586]Republican Governers can't control their States.

if you say so

[SIZE=3] If a State decides that there should be fewer gun controls and violent crime rises, it is the people in that State that should decide if it was a good idea to loosen gun controls.

Abbott is encouraging Texans to be armed, no license or background check needed. Violent gun crimes are way up in Texas this year.

another classic CT false statement where do you get all this nonsense? Texas is moving to constitutional carry which renders a CHL and the background check moot.

it does NOT mean you can buy a gun in Texas without a background check

even the uber liberal NPR states this is for constitutional carry it does not say background checks for gun purchases are being removed

It doesn't? Tell that to the people in Vietnam. Strict gun control, and you can walk down any major city street at 3:00 a.m., and be totally safe. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

who would go to a communist third world shithole to begin with?

have you ever taken any "training" for a CHL? well i have and it is .. nothing. it doesn't teach you anything unless you've never handled a gun in your life. for anyone else it's nothing.

Number of Rounds Fired

The shooting test requires 50 rounds of ammunition
License-To-Carry Shooting Proficiency Distances

The LTC Shooting test is fired at three distances:
  • 3 yards – 20 rounds fired
  • 7 yards – 20 rounds fired
  • 15 yards – 10 rounds fired
The majority of students pass the proficiency test when they have completed shooting at 3 and 7 yards. However, all 50 rounds must be shot.
LTC Passing Score

The Texas LTC shooting test passing score is 175 points out of 250 points or a score of 70%. The state allows for three chances to pass the shooting test.

the max distance required is 15 yards.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2021, 06:14 AM
[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1062515586]Republican Governers can't control their States.

[SIZE=3] If a State decides that there should be fewer gun controls and violent crime rises, it is the people in that State that should decide if it was a good idea to loosen gun controls.

Abbott is encouraging Texans to be armed, no license or background check needed. Violent gun crimes are way up in Texas this year.

It doesn't? Tell that to the people in Vietnam. Strict gun control, and you can walk down any major city street at 3:00 a.m., and be totally safe. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

It is not so much gun control , CT - VNam has government police all over - and miscreants are promptly arrested and punished,- guilty or not.

Unlike DPST led states - where the ideology of police as evil murderers reigns supreme, and the streets riot every night in places like Portland where fascist DPST idiotology reigns supreme over common sense, and Equality under the Rule of law.

That said - CT - i agree that Constitutional carry without training is a bad idea, and will lead to unnecessary deaths and injuries from people untrained in the law and firearm handling.

I have a CHL - and support more, not less education for lawful carry, and licensing for concealed carry.

Every person who wishes to carry should have police level training - 40 hours or so - IMHO.

I have taken and done that training - and read carefully - and re-read yearly - the texas statutes on firearms.

Example - no One seems to have a problem with Hunter training and licensing of weapons for hunting. Why put people at risk and allow untrainined carry?

It is a mistake - and i disagree with the republicans who passed the Constitutional carry laws of Texas.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well criminals never obey laws that's kinda there thing , by all the talk of defunding and letting bad guys go this is the outcome
Chung Tran's Avatar
Well criminals never obey laws that's kinda there thing , by all the talk of defunding and letting bad guys go this is the outcome Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I disagree on your suggested cause and effect.

The violent crime rate had begun to soar BEFORE talk of defunding police.

and how do you account for past years? Dallas had more than 500 murders in 1991, when Republicans controlled City government, and the population was less than it is today. Far more murders than today. Not a peep about defunding police then.

Last year had just HALF the 1991 total in Dallas.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
There was a big increase in homicides and LE killings, in 2020, as you posted. Republicans ran the Federal Government. The response from Republican Governers and Legislatures was to ease gun control restrictions. Why does that make sense? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So people can protect themselves in democrat shitholes?
defunding the police.

did the democrats commit political suicide over this?

choo choo train: gun control does not stop crime. since when has any criminal ever obeyed any laws on this subject. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Liberals don't care about crime if they did they wouldn't be talking about Gun Control. Gun Control is all about getting Law Abiding Citizens to give up their Second Amendment Rights under the guise of eliminating Gun Violence. America boasts about Freedom, Freedom isn't free and Freedom isn't safe. Like the Cliche goes. "If you give up your Freedom for Safety in the long run you won't get either".