BBD Dancer Schedules

Hey guys,

Anyone have a way of getting bdd dancer accurate schedules? I’ve been trying to see Chelsea, Tina and GiGi with no luck.

Appreciate the help! You can pm if you’d like.
TomCollins's Avatar
The best you can do is get their phone numbers and text them, and even if they say they are coming in that day, expect a 60% failure rate.
Texxan52's Avatar
Hey guys,

Anyone have a way of getting bdd dancer accurate schedules? I’ve been trying to see Chelsea, Tina and GiGi with no luck.

Appreciate the help! You can pm if you’d like. Originally Posted by Pimpj689
If you get it, I bet the managers would like to have it too.
Generic White Guy's Avatar
Strippers are not known for their "accurate schedules"...
zont's Avatar
  • zont
  • 07-06-2021, 03:00 PM
Keep in the mind that due to the recent law change, certain ladies may now be absent simply due to their youth (under 21)
Keep in the mind that due to the recent law change, certain ladies may now be absent simply due to their youth (under 21) Originally Posted by zont
Yep. And where are all those 18-21 year old chicks now?
zont's Avatar
  • zont
  • 07-06-2021, 03:15 PM
Where are they now? Lessee -, SA, onlyfans, etc.
Yep. Except I haven’t seen many familiar faces.
Mental AtrraXXXion's Avatar
Do some leg work and gather info for your contact list and build a stable. Some things are easier than you think.
LA Clubs are ahead of the curve in this regard, many of their websites are updated daily with a list of dancers working that day/night. was very convenient.
amexblack -- any clubs in LA you'd recommend? I've heard Paradise in City of Industry and Bare Elegance are fun!
Deja vu north hollywood was the spot but this is all many years ago. 4 Play had the best looking girls. Tropical lei was hilarious they had hot girls but the lights were so dark you could only see the silhouettes. Bare elegance had good looking girls but they couldnt dance for shit. They try the old grind on your abs instead of your crotch trick.
I actually prefer a little bit of seediness to strip clubs...The Jet Strip on Hawthorne Blvd in Lennox near LAX. Fully Nude. They also list the current lineup of dancers on their website.
Years ago when I frequented BDD I have a waitress that was a good wingman. I had her text me when my favs were working and I always tipped her well for the intel...
Hey guys,

Anyone have a way of getting bdd dancer accurate schedules? I’ve been trying to see Chelsea, Tina and GiGi with no luck.

Appreciate the help! You can pm if you’d like. Originally Posted by Pimpj689
There's "time", then there's "stripper time" and they are in no way interconnected.