Business in the front party in the back

Sam454's Avatar
B_assmaster's Avatar
Literally LMAO!!! Thanks for that!
Vannah's Avatar
I can't even bring myself to click that link with my mullet PTSD.
biomed1's Avatar
It's not really as bad as you think. . .

B_assmaster's Avatar
Yeah Vannah, this has nothing to do with haircuts. You should take a look, funny stuff!
That title reminds me of a bar I use to go to when I was young. The bar had a card room in the back. They sold t-shirts that said liquor (lick her) in front, poker (poke her) in the rear. It was my favorite T-shirt. That bar is no longer there but I loved their t-shirt and the fact they sold rum and Coke by the pitcher.
fact they sold rum and Coke by the pitcher. Originally Posted by sas72032
Lol you don't hear of that often. That's cool.
ramblinman69's Avatar
That title reminds me of a bar I use to go to when I was young. The bar had a card room in the back. They sold t-shirts that said liquor (lick her) in front, poker (poke her) in the rear. It was my favorite T-shirt. That bar is no longer there but I loved their t-shirt and the fact they sold rum and Coke by the pitcher. Originally Posted by sas72032
Sounds like my kind of honky tonk, amigo
Exchequer's Avatar
It's not really as bad as you think. . . Originally Posted by biomed1
Speaking of Gordon Ramsey, this is more common in the UK but you should try fondant potatoes. Made them and they were great!

Pair them with this and you will knock it out!