Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Are not the far left and the far right both fascist? It's like that stupid saying that doesn't make any sense about the kettle calling the pot black, or kettle meet pot. Aren't those called idioms? They don't make any sense.
Are not the far left and the far right both fascist? It's like that stupid saying that doesn't make any sense about the kettle calling the pot black, or kettle meet pot. Aren't those called idioms? They don't make any sense. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Yeah they are. Far Left are Liberals and Far Right are Rinos neither are pro America. they do not keep any promises to voters when and if elected. They essentially are the criminals in politics.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
generally speaking, fascism is a leftist ideology.
Chung Tran's Avatar
generally speaking, fascism is a leftist ideology. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Trump channeled Mussolini when he arrived back at the White House, following his Covid Walter Reed stay. Giving that stern military-like salute to the staged camera set up. That shit was funnier than his posing with the upside down Bible.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump channeled Mussolini when he arrived back at the White House, following his Covid Walter Reed stay. Giving that stern military-like salute to the staged camera set up. That shit was funnier than his posing with the upside down Bible. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

the only thing Trump channeled was Ronald Reagan and "America First". wtf does that have to do with Mussolini?

and stop claiming you are a conservative if you claim "America First" is fascist.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the only thing Trump channeled was Ronald Reagan and "America First". wtf does that have to do with Mussolini?

and stop claiming you are a conservative if you claim "America First" is fascist. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nah. That gesture was pure Mussolini. Who claimed he was conservative? Me?

Nah. Regarding crime and punishment, yes. If I was in charge, death penalty sentences would be 2 thousand percent higher, and each death would occur no later than 1,000 days following the crime comitted, that led to the sentence.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Nah. That gesture was pure Mussolini. Who claimed he was conservative? Me?

Nah. Regarding crime and punishment, yes. If I was in charge, death penalty sentences would be 2 thousand percent higher, and each death would occur no later than 1,000 days following the crime comitted, that led to the sentence. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

you claimed you were a conservative. so act like one and stop glorifying the radical far left democrats. take the TWK conservative challenge and name one bad thing the demonrats did. this should be easy and fill at least 2,000 lines. so do it.

we'll wait
Chung Tran's Avatar
you claimed you were a conservative. so act like one and stop glorifying the radical far left democrats. take the TWK conservative challenge and name one bad thing the demonrats did. this should be easy and fill at least 2,000 lines. so do it.

we'll wait Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nope, never said I was a Conservative, unless you mean in a strictly limited capacity, like crime and punishment.

Bad thing Democrats did?

Nominated McGovern and Mondale.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Trump channeled Mussolini when he arrived back at the White House, following his Covid Walter Reed stay. Giving that stern military-like salute to the staged camera set up. That shit was funnier than his posing with the upside down Bible. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
he's a copycat.

if trump thought Mussolini's shtick was good, he'll run with it.

can't keep a good copycat down can ya. lol.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Of course this turned into a thread about the One Who is H I M.

There should be an entire forum dedicated to TDS.
texassapper's Avatar
Trump channeled Mussolini when he arrived back at the White House, following his Covid Walter Reed stay. Giving that stern military-like salute to the staged camera set up. That shit was funnier than his posing with the upside down Bible. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So Trump LOOKED like a Fascist... can you point to ANY fascist policies that Trump signed into law?

Fascism and communism are the same fcuking thing... the only difference is that fascists think that the socialism should stop at their national border and the Commies want it world wide.

Fcuking totalitarians... and you are helping them, Tran.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 07:33 AM
Fascist or marxist - both are totalitarian dictatorship ideologies designed to enslave free Peoples
They both use useful '......'' as CT - see above - who are blinded by hatred from teh DPST marxist LSM.

Intersting how CT uses Mussolini - a blowhard 'fascist' as an 'illustration' of TDS and Trump hatred - yet won't criticize the Dear Leader Kim or Chairman Xi - both of whom lead dictatorships CT kowtows to.

CT - hatred is self- destructive - However - as you will!
Be careful what you ask for - You may well get it
and - when they come for U ( and they will, CT) there will be No One to speak for you.

ta - I agree - same message - slightly different wording.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So Trump LOOKED like a Fascist... can you point to ANY fascist policies that Trump signed into law?

Fascism and communism are the same fcuking thing... the only difference is that fascists think that the socialism should stop at their national border and the Commies want it world wide.

Fcuking totalitarians... and you are helping them, Tran. Originally Posted by texassapper
well, theres a bit more nuance with what youre saying. however you're wrong on that point regarding fascism.

the difference between fascism and communism is over the degree of state control of the economy. fascism permits private property and free market while maintaining control of the economy by state dictat, communism mandates complete control of the entire economy, private property and free market disallowed.

this is the reason why commies hate fascists.

fascism and communism suffered from the imperialism disease.
Little Monster's Avatar
Fascism is a hard core far right ideology. No where near anything the left stands for. "America First" which was a Trump campaign slogan is a perfect example of modern day fascism, as well as Trump's attempts at controlling the media and social media. The racist rhetoric he and his followers continue to display is also another perfect example of modern fascism.
texassapper's Avatar
well, theres a bit more nuance with what youre saying. however you're wrong on that point regarding fascism. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I get the nuanced difference.

Do you think it matters to anyone on their way to the Nazi labor camps or the Soviet Gulags?

Anyone that's actually read the Communist manifesto understands it's utter bullshit... there isn't going to be any ownership by the proletariat... That's like saying the difference between cats and dogs is that the dogs prefer to drive their cars on the lefthand side of the road. It's a worthless distinction because it's NEVER going to happen. Jesus, can you even imagine the fucking morning production meetings?

The dictatorship of the proletariat is the same thing as the Nazis centralized control of the economy. National socialism vs. International... is a distinction without a difference for the average citizen. The only idiots that think there is any difference are employed at the local community college as professors where they can't fcuk up digging a ditch.