Sorry, Liberal Media, Kaiser Poll Shows It's Not Republicans Who Are COVID Vaccine Resisters

  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 04:44 PM

See link for documentation .

This whole issue truly is entertaining since it’s a mess created by liberals and their allies in the media. Why is there so much COVID vaccine hesitancy? Are these people in the news business? They’re not. We know that through their liberal bias which they refuse to admit, but also the fact that vaccines have ALWAYS been a touchy subject. It’s not just a public health issue. It’s one that deals directly with families and their decisions—and everyone has an opinion. Everyone raises their kids differently. You can see where things can quickly go off the rails and it has. It’s been a controversial topic for years. I guess that quack Andrew Wakefield has been forgiven. The fiasco over the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine and its alleged links to autism never happened. Wakefield lost his medical license over this garbage, but back to the COVID vaccine
Look, I got the COVID vaccine. I’m pro-vaccine. I am not, however, for mandatory vaccinations. I’m not for this door-to-door nonsense the Biden administration wants to enact but can’t due to the upcoming midterm elections. It’s a choice. I may not agree with someone’s choice not to get vaccinated, but I can totally get why there’s a ton of hesitancy.
First, the experts said to get the shot, but remain inside. Then, they said we can take the masks off. And now some places are saying put those masks back on, the same store-bought ones that don’t curb the spread of COVID as noted by Dr. Anthony Fauci in his recently revealed emails.
Get the shot, return to normal. They work. That’s simple messaging, but to keep fear and panic alive for political purposes—the experts decided to give us all whiplash with pure science fiction. All this back-and-forth says one thing to most: the vaccines don’t work. That’s not the case—but this is a public relations monster of the Left’s own doing. This is their creature.
Get vaccinated, but you can’t go outside, they say. And then, these clowns turn around, go on television, and wonder why people aren’t getting vaccinated. It’s because you people fumbled the ball on messaging. You have been for months.
And to feed the moral superiority complex of liberal America and coastal snobs, they peddle a fake narrative about how vaccine hesitancy is only with Republicans and maybe the religious. Remember, liberals are learned, people. They don’t believe in God. They're smarter. Yeah, and then Kaiser dropped this nuke, which surprisingly CNN covered [emphasis mine]
A lot of attention has been spent on Republicans being the problem, leading to calls for former President Donald Trump to address the group.
A look at the data reveals that the vaccine hesitant group, however, are not big Trump lovers. They're actually likely not to be Republican. Instead, many of them are people who are detached from the political process and didn't vote for either major candidate in 2020.
The most recent Kaiser poll helps illustrate that the vaccine hesitant group doesn't really lean Republican. Just 20% of the group called themselves Republican with an additional 19% being independents who leaned Republican. The clear majority (61%) were not Republicans (41% said they were Democrats or Democratic leaning independents and 20% were either pure independents or undesignated).
Well, well, well—that sure is interesting. These people cannot move on from Trump. They’re still traumatized by the 2016 election—and so they’re just committing war crimes on anything they think ails America. That’s not healthy. It explains why they cannot move on from January 6, though most of us already have. But once again, the liberal media is wrong. I mean, what do you expect from a group of folks who have manufactured panic porn over this for months? So, share this far and wide, folks. I’m sure it will ruin any liberal’s day. These people are always wrong. Remind them.
matchingmole's Avatar

18 people on this forum believe the above media tool more than the CDC....... BWAHAHA
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2021, 05:05 PM
As usual - undocumented Lies - show your 'poll' - mm

or admit it is a fabrication!
Oilrig's Avatar
Mexico had the highest death rate in the world in April when Biden through the border wide open The covid test California was using was stopped by the FDA because it failed to show positives If you use the John Hopkins Covid Map you can see Biden moved the migrants to Democratic Cities all across the country In May of 2020 before there was a vaccine Biden made several speeches from his basement how he could control the spread better than Trump So go ahead Joe activate your pre vaccine plan
matchingmole's Avatar
As usual - undocumented Lies - show your 'poll' - mm

or admit it is a fabrication! Originally Posted by oeb11


Doctor Fauci, heal thyself.
matchingmole's Avatar
Mexico had the highest death rate in the world in April when Biden through the border wide open The covid test California was using was stopped by the FDA because it failed to show positives If you use the John Hopkins Covid Map you can see Biden moved the migrants to Democratic Cities all across the country In May of 2020 before there was a vaccine Biden made several speeches from his basement how he could control the spread better than Trump So go ahead Joe activate your pre vaccine plan Originally Posted by Oilrig
At least you didn't add an "A' to border....but nice try
matchingmole's Avatar
Doctor Fauci, heal thyself. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He prolly doin' aight
matchingmole's Avatar
As usual - undocumented Lies - show your 'poll' - mm

or admit it is a fabrication! Originally Posted by oeb11 c


Mexico had the highest death rate in the world in April when Biden through the border wide open The covid test California was using was stopped by the FDA because it failed to show positives If you use the John Hopkins Covid Map you can see Biden moved the migrants to Democratic Cities all across the country In May of 2020 before there was a vaccine Biden made several speeches from his basement how he could control the spread better than Trump So go ahead Joe activate your pre vaccine plan Originally Posted by Oilrig
This is some ignorant drivel. What the fuck are you talking about. The rise of COVID is everywhere and most prevalent in states with Republican gov that voted Trump by a vast majority. The folks getting sick are the unvaccinated including about 90% of hospitalizations.

Why do you think that all of a sudden Scalise, Mcineny, Hannity etc are now telling people to get vaccinated?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's so evil how they try to pin us against each other every fucking chance they get. And it's pathetic how easily everyone falls for it.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The rise of COVID is everywhere and most prevalent in states with Republican gov that voted Trump by a vast majority. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Got any data to back that up?
Actually yes. The CDC website as well as John’s Hopkins tracks all that data. You can go and have a look whenever you decide to edify yourself.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Fact checks by are not considered reliable sources. LOL
rexdutchman's Avatar
Doc don going to jail Paul called him out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,