Avenatti to defend himself in California criminal fraud trial: report

  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 06:22 PM

A U.S. District Court granted disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti’s request to defend himself against criminal fraud charges in an upcoming trial in California, according to a report Tuesday.
Avenatti, who is charged with various counts of fraud for allegedly scamming clients out of millions of dollars in settlement money, initially asked the court if he could serve as co-counsel in his defense. District Court Judge James Selna rejected that request, prompting Avenatti to submit a "pro se" request to serve in his own defense, Law.com's Meghann Cuniff reported.
The judge asked Avenatti a series of questions to determine whether he was fit to defend himself in the case. At one point, Avenatti was asked if he had expertise with the criminal justice system. Avenatti said he has never tried a criminal case.
"I have knowledge of it your honor, but I would not describe it as expertise," Avenatti said.
The judge eventually determined that Avenatti could represent himself. His original defense attorney in the case, Dean Stewart, was named standby counsel.
The trial is slated to begin with opening statements on Wednesday. Avenatti faces a slew of charges, including 10 counts of wire fraud that each carry a 20-year prison term.
The California case is the second of four federal criminal cases targeting Avenatti, who gained national recognition for his public clashes and legal battle with former President Donald Trump.
He has another upcoming fraud trial in California and a fourth trial in New York regarding allegations that he siphoned money from his ex-client, former adult film star Stormy Daniels.
Earlier this month, Avenatti was sentenced to more than two years in federal prison for attempting to extort sports apparel giant Nike for as much as $25 million.

He was convicted for attempted extortion and other charges in 2020 after he threatened Nike with bad publicity that could hurt the company’s stock price unless it paid him the money.

One trial down - 3 to go - and the fascsit DPST Presidential candidate is out of money for lawyers.

Even fiden and his subverted DOJ could not save the sociopathic liar and thief .

Avenatti just could not think big enough - if he had restrained himself and been elected - or appointed to a cabinet post - he would be inline for billions of graft dollars from teh fiden crime syndicate - from china, Russia, and other countries / enemies of America - given their wants /way to plunder America at will in return for graft dollars.

a failure to 'think big ' - by a fascsit DPST who fits right in with current fiden criminal administration!
bambino's Avatar
How could he go wrong? A creepy porn lawyer representing a creep.
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2021, 06:27 PM
Sounds as teh prelude to a reasonable and appropriate verdict and sentencing.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the only thing he'll be defending is his bunghole from Bubba while he does his time. unless of course he enjoys bending over in the shower after he soaps up his crevice for entry ..

bambino's Avatar
the only thing he'll be defending is his bunghole from Bubba while he does his time. unless of course he enjoys bending over in the shower after he soaps up his crevice for entry ..

BAHHHAHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I think he’s experienced.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ah the orifice master!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think he’s experienced. Originally Posted by bambino
ah the orifice master! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

stormy tits dildoed him to loosen up his crevice for servicing in the big house

Levianon17's Avatar
How could he go wrong? A creepy porn lawyer representing a creep. Originally Posted by bambino
He has a fool for a client, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
He has a fool for a client, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
does a fool know he a fool?
Levianon17's Avatar
does a fool know he a fool? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
There is an old saying about Lawyers that get into trouble. "A Lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client", something like that.
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2021, 07:58 AM
Avenatti is still a fascist DPST leader - and after fiden is 25th Amendment kicked out - Avenatti plans to be VP from his Leavenworth 'office'!
he will fit right in with the fiden harris crime cabal.