China Threatens Nuclear War if U.S. Continues Investigating COVID-19 Origins

texassapper's Avatar
The Chinese are warning about an impending nuclear war if the United States does not cease its investigation into the origins of the COVID pandemic. They warn that the Americans must call off their probe into the sources of the disease -- a warning which has prompted many American analysts to conclude that the leaders in Beijing fear discovery of the truth: that they -- the Chinese Communists -- are the source of the pandemic.

Fucking Chicoms are worse than toddlers. But they have nothing to hide right?
They already know they are the source of this disease - it originated in their country, and I'd bet 90% of the world leaders realize that too (well maybe not biden) while the other 10% cling to "it's Trump's fault!" ..... China will never own up to causing this pandemic, hince the threats .....
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Nuclear war? Send them COVID 100x instead.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Puddens will not defy china
  • oeb11
  • 07-21-2021, 07:52 AM
The Chinese are warning about an impending nuclear war if the United States does not cease its investigation into the origins of the COVID pandemic. They warn that the Americans must call off their probe into the sources of the disease -- a warning which has prompted many American analysts to conclude that the leaders in Beijing fear discovery of the truth: that they -- the Chinese Communists -- are the source of the pandemic.

Fucking Chicoms are worse than toddlers. But they have nothing to hide right? Originally Posted by texassapper

Dos this situation remind One of teh fascist DPST 'Cover-up' of their Voter Fraud
the shrieking horror at the Audits states are conducting - or proposing
What have the fascist DPST's to hide???
Then - there is their 'voter rights' bills - HR-1 - etc - undisguised attempts to put all elections under direct control of teh DENC and Comrade Xi - in perpetuity - in violation of teh Constitution - ( which the fascist DPST's hate with a passion because it interferes with their plans for marxist revolution.

More fascist DPST hypocrisy.

reminds me of a certain Brit expat poster who loves to wave the Union jack - in denial at One's own posts.

Xi can saber rattle all he wants - but they do know they do not have the capability to out-nuke america and Eric Salwell - even with all the nukes he has targeted on Middle america for 'obedience'!
after all - swalwell is just a chinese pawn and camel jockey!