Well I guess my point is proven, that piece of shit Tucker Carlson is hanging out the newly minted fascist regime in Hungary touting how great things are there!
So go ahead Berry tell us how wrong I am, tell me he's just there for the goulash and the hot red heads!
Bunch of fucking fascist!
Trump, his minions, the guy with the horns on his head, the moron about to get sentenced to 3 to 5 years for assault on 1/6, hell every assholes that was there on 1/6, fucking fascists!
You too Berry.
You, the other three horsemen of
Q anon!
You know what they say bud, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck well then they must be fascists!
I mean a duck!
If you want to know who the other three horsemen of Q are, then you will have to look back at what I've written, but for sure Berry your one!
It will be educational!
You'll enjoy it!
Facists, Facists, Fascist!
Looks like Victor Orban is going to be our new George Washington if the fascist have their way!
Once again Nice!
Go ahead Berry RTM now!
PS, it must be nice knowing that you have somewhere to go when we finish running the facists out of the country!
Hell Berry why wait, go now!