Because we have the mRNA vaccines and because we’re a western Democracy, life has returned to normal in the United States of America. Meanwhile China, with its piss poor vaccines, is locking down millions of people.
However, we have a problem. The Delta variant. This recent study of patients in the Mayo Clinic system indicates the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing infection is much lower now than it was previously, because of the Delta variant:
They estimate in July the Moderna vaccine was 76% effective in preventing infection, and the Pfizer vaccine 42% effective.
I address this post to the believers. We’re largely protected from severe disease, hospitalization and death because we’ve received the vaccine. For us COVID is no longer any worse than the flu.
Satan has hardened the hearts of the disbelievers, the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers. We will not be able to change their minds. But they are our brothers and sisters. We must do what we can to save them from the ravages of a potentially fatal disease. We should begin to mask up when in close proximity in indoor spaces. And be particularly careful when around the old, the fat and the diabetic disbelievers.
Israel is trying to combat this fall off in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine with third shots for the most vulnerable. We must consider doing the same.
Your brother in love,