Encounter: Sweet Rose with the Sunflower

Date: 8/6
Name: Rose
Phone: 2143510755
Email Address: -
URL / Website: Www.ssunflowers.com
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: -
Activities: Shower, BBBJ, CG, MISH, nice nap
Hair Length and Color: Long brown
Age: 35ish?
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Very pretty girl. Skin a bit loose just FYI but still good looking. Age is a guess and harder on her than most imo
Recommendation: Yes
Stevensegal's Avatar
Good recon.
Stevensegal's Avatar
one of the rooms has a mini couch.
I guess I got the high bed? There wasn't a couch but I think a chair.
Stevensegal's Avatar
Had me missing the wooden room beds. She is back in the lineup
mikehammer002001's Avatar
whats up with the website? blank for the most part and a picture off to the left that doesn't link?
Stevensegal's Avatar
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
Chairs are very useful. My favorite was at Pearls in the vip room
Might be fun to play on the couch..
BigBamboo's Avatar
Chairs are very useful. My favorite was at Pearls in the vip room Originally Posted by David Hasselhoff
Indeed! Julie’s room was the best. Still is but wish Julie was still around to occupy it with me.
How much for an hr at sunflower? I keep hearing it’s best to text rather than email. I want to see Jun.
Stevensegal's Avatar
You are going to have a bit longer for Jun. Standard Studio rate
When is Jun coming back?
Stevensegal's Avatar
I heard December or Jan.
David Hasselhoff's Avatar
January 2022