This Cannot Be Real? As Afghanistan Falls to the Taliban, Jen Psaki Takes a Week Off

  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 07:19 AM

Our venture in Afghanistan has reached its long and ignominious end. The nation is now back in the hands of the Taliban. They rolled into Kabul yesterday. The Afghan president, Ashraf Ghani, fled the country. The presidential palace was occupied by the Taliban. Pictures were taken inside. The Taliban are back and stronger than ever. Meanwhile, we’re scrambling to get the hell out of there. The collapse of the national government was always going to happen not least being that Joe Biden confidently said that would never happen. Biden has been wrong about every major foreign policy initiative for the past 25 years. This was no different. Our embassy in Kabul is being evacuated. There is a heavy stench of Fall of Saigon 1975 that’s going around. Some 5,000 US troops were redeployed to ensure a safe evacuation. And where is Biden? Where is he?
Afghanistan collapsed and he’s AWOL. He’s just sitting like a drooling vegetable at Camp David and his aides say he doesn’t plan on addressing Afghanistan for a few days. So, ‘screw it’ can be the attitude of the Biden White House. And to cap it all off, we’re probably not going to see White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki this week. She decided to take some vacation time. I’m not kidding. She will be out this week (via Fox News):
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is taking a break from her duties at the same time as controversy surrounds the silence of President Joe Biden, who is on vacation while the Taliban quickly seizes control of Afghanistan.
Fox News sent questions to Psaki's White House email address Sunday morning and received an auto-reply. Hours later, on Sunday evening, Fox News attempted once again to reach the White House spokeswoman. The same auto-reply, stating that the voice of the White House would not be available for the next week, was sent.
"I will be out of the office from August 15th-August 22nd," read the email returned to Fox News. Instead, Psaki's reply directs the press to reach out to other press officers in her absence.
This is her job. It’s…the job. You get up there, read the script, take questions, get ripped a lot, and endure this abuse for months. Then, you leave, get a massive book deal, and a cozy private-sector job. You take the heat, but you get your slice of the pie in the end. This shows that the Biden White House can’t even draft a script. There’s no way to spin this. There’s no way to sell this without coming off as totally detached from reality. Even liberal media outlets cannot believe what the Biden administration is doing and saying about this foreign policy fiasco.

Taliban Frees Thousands of Prisoners From Bagram. Al Qaeda Members Were Among Them. Leah Barkoukis

I wish I could just run and hide when things got rough, but then I remember—I’m not a liberal Democrat.

Please see link to article to read supportive twets
Nothing to Add to the fiden criminal crime cabal and what it did to Afghanistan!

Comments - communist DPSTs?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Don't worry she will circle back around , They don't care about anything other then themselves
texassapper's Avatar
Of course it's real... what better time to ghost? The feces are hitting the circular air thingy... even the press won't cover for this. So avoid the questions entirely... then when they come back the press will throw some softballs to help out the Biden Regime.

The press aren't there to ask questions. They are there to cover for the Democrats.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
And Biden is in Camp David on vacation.

After 20 years and a trillion+ U.S. taxpayer dollars to support that country, they are going back to the way it was before the NYC tower attacks. Sure, they killed Bin Laden, but there are plenty more to take his place in the outfit. We lost the war that had gone on for the 20 years, not to China or Russia, but to the Taliban. In addition, they also have taken all the equipment (helicopters, guns, ect.), another $700M in taxpayer paid goods.

And Biden was in office for 8 years prior while the war was happening and chose to pull troops out. Talk about inept. Even MSNBC and FOX as should every American be saying the same thing: Get Biden, his administration and every leader in the Senate and House the boot and let real Americans that are not ashamed of this country take over and I guarantee you, the headlines will not be about systemic racism any longer.
Jen, last I checked, isn't in the Armed forces. There are assistant press secretaries to fill in.

Remind me how many Press secretaries trump went through by this time in his presidency.
texassapper's Avatar
Jen, last I checked, isn't in the Armed forces. There are assistant press secretaries to fill in.

Remind me how many Press secretaries trump went through by this time in his presidency. Originally Posted by royamcr
Typical democrat... when things get tough... they go on vacation...

Ooops looks like Joey is interrupting his nap today to come back to DC and face some well crafted and rehearsed questions today!!
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:42 AM
Jen, last I checked, isn't in the Armed forces. There are assistant press secretaries to fill in.

Remind me how many Press secretaries trump went through by this time in his presidency. Originally Posted by royamcr

As usual - 'r ' - No One wrote that psucki in sworn in to serve in teh American Armed Services.
Please Quote where a poster wrote that in the thread above this nonsense you wrote. !

Just the usual Lies and denial, deflection, and obstruction regarding issues that DPST communist minions cannot comprehend.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
rexdutchman's Avatar
How'ed this become about T press people we really need a Vaccine for TDS
Little Monster's Avatar
Typical democrat... when things get tough... they go on vacation...
Originally Posted by texassapper
Ok Ted Cruz
How'ed this become about T press people we really need a Vaccine for TDS Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Trump = Ad Money. They can't hammer on Biden too hard, so they can't generate anything to talk about without Trump. It's kind of sad, actually, as there are a ton of shortcomings from all sides that could be reported on right now.
ICU 812's Avatar
Reminds me of the Bengasi debacle where both Obama and Clinton were out of pocket till it was all over.

So where is Biden now?

Where IS Waldo?
ICU 812's Avatar
Nother thought: You might not like Trump himself or how he presents what he says (or what it is that he says) but . . .President Trump would have been right out front addressing policy questions and handing off detail questions to leadership figures fro the departments of State and Defense.

Trump would not have gone off to hide at Camp David in the maryland woods.
Little Monster's Avatar
Nother thought: You might not like Trump himself or how he presents what he says (or what it is that he says) but . . .President Trump would have been right out front addressing policy questions and handing off detail questions to leadership figures fro the departments of State and Defense.

Trump would not have gone off to hide at Camp David in the maryland woods. Originally Posted by ICU 812
No, not Camp David. He would have scurried down to his Mar a Lago resort to go play golf. Then when asked why he made the deal he did with the Taliban he would have lied and blamed Obama.
texassapper's Avatar
No, not Camp David. He would have scurried down to his Mar a Lago resort to go play golf. Then when asked why he made the deal he did with the Taliban he would have lied and blamed Obama. Originally Posted by Little Monster
It's turds like you that make Trump the more legitimate President than Qanon quacks.

Keep at, boy. Maybe Mom will make Mac-n-Cheese with those hotdogs in it for lunch!