Court orders Biden to renstate Remain in Mexico policy

HedonistForever's Avatar

Court orders Biden to reinstate Trump's 'remain in Mexico' policy

A federal judge has ordered President Joe Biden's administration to reinstate his Republican predecessor's "remain in Mexico" policy, which forced tens of thousands of Central American asylum-seekers to wait in Mexico for U.S. court cases.
In a victory for the states of Missouri and Texas, which brought the suit, U.S. District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk said on Friday that the Biden administration had violated laws on procedure by failing to consider "several of the main benefits" of the program and acted "arbitrarily and capriciously" in ending it.
A Biden administration memo announcing a formal end to the policy was circulated June 1. It was not clear how the ruling would ultimately impact that decision. Former President Donald Trump instituted the policy in early 2019.
Kacsmaryk, a Trump appointee, stayed his decision for a week to allow the Biden administration to appeal. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Problem is, this would take the co-operation of the President of Mexico. Does Biden have, could he get the same co-operation Trump had with the President of Mexico?
texassapper's Avatar
And when Joey Puddins ignores this court order the Libtards will freak out right? lol

Just kidding, they'll applaud his lawlessness as resistance to the ...oh, wait, they are the man... lol

Stupid Democrats.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 11:07 AM
Ta - Exactly - the DPST criminals/communists only observe court orders they agree with politically
they are installing totalitarian tyranny on america

sedition charges for the entire D{PST government is in order!
I don’t know that a federal judge has the authority to direct a federal govt policy to be reinstituted. I haven’t read the decision which I assume reads for differently than what’s reported (though the gist may be the same). Courts can strike down govt actions as being unconstitutional and can halt govt actions through injunctions. Except for Mandamus they generally cannot direct the govt to institute a policy. Normally depts rewrite regulations (not a law passed by Congress but one instituted through an agency) thereby eliminating the prior regulation. If that regulation is stricken, then no regulation remains and the dept just writes a new one.

It would likely be judicial overreach to say that you have to reinstitute a prior policy.

If I recall with DACA, something similar was done except that DACA wasn’t eliminated. Some language was change by the Trump admin and that language was stricken which essentially left the old policy in place. I’ve not read it in while but I think I’m right.
texassapper's Avatar
I think I’m right. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Pretty much sums up every Democrat argument ever...
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2021, 12:24 PM
I don’t know that a federal judge has the authority to direct a federal govt policy to be reinstituted. I haven’t read the decision which I assume reads for differently than what’s reported (though the gist may be the same). Courts can strike down govt actions as being unconstitutional and can halt govt actions through injunctions. Except for Mandamus they generally cannot direct the govt to institute a policy. Normally depts rewrite regulations (not a law passed by Congress but one instituted through an agency) thereby eliminating the prior regulation. If that regulation is stricken, then no regulation remains and the dept just writes a new one.

It would likely be judicial overreach to say that you have to reinstitute a prior policy.

If I recall with DACA, something similar was done except that DACA wasn’t eliminated. Some language was change by the Trump admin and that language was stricken which essentially left the old policy in place. I’ve not read it in while but I think I’m right. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

'judicial overreach' - is a decision teh DPST communists disagree with - will refuse to acknowledge of teh Court system.

And what do that say about 1b1, teh DPST party - and the respect for teh Three branches of representative democracy - ( not 'our Equity' in communism)????

In a nutshell - 1b1
bambino's Avatar
Pretty much sums up every Democrat argument ever... Originally Posted by texassapper
So true.
texassapper's Avatar
I can't wait for the next Republican administration when the courts try to stop something they are doing and the just tell the courts to FOAD. It's going to be fun referring back to this behaviour.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
its 8 months. can we say too little, too late.

don't see how Mexican President AMLO will dance with Biden on this.

He'll tell the courts to screw off. if he does this, that gives future presidents precedent to tell the court off. bear in mind this has been done only once that i'm aware of with Andrew Jackson.
rexdutchman's Avatar
You see the Marxist want to be's doing it around the country ( telling the court to screw off ) just loookie to tiny tyrant clay
LexusLover's Avatar
I don’t know that a federal judge has the authority to direct a federal govt policy to be reinstituted. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Everything you posted after those three words ... is meaningless.
Everything you posted after those three words ... is meaningless. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your reading comprehension as usual is on the level of a 5 year old.
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2021, 09:32 AM
Typical of DPSTs - they are unable to document and support any of teh marxist narrative nonsense they post
Thanks - 1b1 - another telling demonstration of the intellectual level of debate of the DPST taliban lovers.

when marxist DPSTs encounter Facts, Truth, and History in debate - retorts such as above are typical

and shameful , insulting name-calling. .
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yup ^^^ sadly this is becoming more and more evident on the world stage
  • oeb11
  • 08-18-2021, 10:15 AM
Your reading comprehension as usual is on the level of a 5 year old. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Do tell - did 1b1 administer a reading comprehension test to the poster criticized?
NO - just insulting, name-calling insults

1b1 - please develop a rational, cogent, and constructive debate participation style
One accompanied by references, and fact substantiation.

Try to look in a mirror - and comply yourself with your own criticisms /demands of other posters

Or, if unable to do so, just continue the Hypocrisy.

If it is not 'Too much trouble for You and DPST communist posters everywhere.