OnlyFans bans porn

BlondeLexi's Avatar
lilylivered's Avatar
Sell your stock, quick!!!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm glad.
12InchClock's Avatar
Opportunity for other outlets who allow porn to grow.
Is the domain "" taken yet?
12InchClock's Avatar

Sends message to its Creators: Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
I don't think thats the message they were sending, they just are being pressured by the financial industries that they are connected to.

Lexi have the duos ended for today?
BlondeLexi's Avatar
I’m in bed already. Alone, lol. *Not an invitation for any more visitors*

I don't think thats the message they were sending, they just are being pressured by the financial industries that they are connected to.

Lexi have the duos ended for today? Originally Posted by 12InchClock
ben dover's Avatar
I’m in bed already. Alone, lol. *Not an invitation for anymore visitors* Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
"U Avail?"
12InchClock's Avatar
I’m in bed already. Alone, lol. *Not an invitation for any more visitors* Originally Posted by BlondeLexi
Sounds like an invite to me.
I’m not a FAN of anything that makes SWers incomes more difficult to obtain, but I am a fan of ending the retweet trains that Onlyfans folks have created. Geez it’s basically made retweet bots out of regular humans. I’m sure as the industry shifts outlets that’ll carry over to any platform but seeing the same person retweet 35 other rando accounts multiplied by the numbers of SWers on OF makes but a lot of retweet spam. Loosely related Rant over
Presj22's Avatar
I’m in bed already. Alone, lol. *Not an invitation for any more visitors* Originally Posted by BlondeLexi