Everything Woke goes to shit

bambino's Avatar
Saints tickets selling for less than a dollar after they demand fans attending games are vaccinated or have a bogus negative test.

bambino's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2021, 08:42 AM
'wokeism' - is idiocy.
followers are brain-dead indoctrinated sheeples of marxist terrorists.
HedonistForever's Avatar
My "Democrat" friend in New Orleans says he doesn't care, he supports no un-vaccinated people be allowed "anywhere". This is just the kind of test we will need to see how far the population will allow this to go. If bars, restaurants and sporting events start losing the kind of money that jeopardizes their business, we'll see if they re-think their position or give up their businesses.

You are vaccinated, you are wearing a mask that the CDC says gives you an extra measure of protection, so you decide if you want to attend a sporting event where possibly un-vaccinated, un-masked people will be and let the business consider both options and pick the one that will give them the best attendance.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I 100% support businesses choosing to do these sorts of things. Why? Because its the free market at work. People will either support with their dollars or they won't.

I 100% do not support government mandating what a business must do. People can choose to go to the businesses that support their stance. It is not on the government to tell me where I can and cannot go.