What about the Texas anti-John law now in effect

Besides the horrible six week or fetal heartbeat Texas abortion law that took effect on September 1st, the state also implemented a new anti-prostitution law that targets their clients rather than the sex workers. It is similar to the failed Sweden model that has been shown to adversely impact providers and their dependents. The only good news is that they didn’t incorporate the use of third party vigilantes for its enforcement. There seems to be speculation that if severely implemented, will not only cause harm to the many great Texas providers but shutdown travel of other escorts that increase their income by professional visits. Of course, maybe some of the first class Texas gals will migrate north. It is sad that too many men find that they should control how a woman can make money or make medical decisions about their uterus.
cmore197474's Avatar
I see this as a bigger risk to their very awesome massage parlor industry. Massage parlors that ain’t just Asian ones. Maybe they can make them private clubs

It is sad that too many men find that they should control how a woman can make money or make medical decisions about their uterus. Originally Posted by KCeddie

Couple of thoughts here
Please dont use the term "gals" unless you are over the age 80.

Thank you...lol

Secondly of the Texas lawmakers on this subject your saying none were female lawmakers?

And third I agree that hopefully it will cause more Texas "Ladies" "Girls" to migrate to our area.
But since most of us aint in Texas, most of us here dont care unless ya travel there regularly!
Good points. And while I am not there yet, I am getting close to 80
TailHooked's Avatar
Well I doubt they have all that extra space to lock everyone up. They will use it to their advantage and bring it out when they need to. Otherwise I doubt it will be used much. A felony charge would require more work because guys will fight it, if not offered a plea. It could cost them more than it is worth.
Since they're not locking people up for weed in Texas much anymore and since we have very lax gun laws now there should be room freeing up in the jail soon. I read on Wikipedia that no man has ever been arrested for buying sex in Sweden. European laws are less harsh so there I guess the men just get fined. I imagine you'd have to look towards the Middle East to find more comparable laws.

It seems like the lieutenant governor Dan Patrick is the main force behind this amendment. Seems like he teamed up with some liberal Democrat feminist type women to make it happen. While no one voted against the law the amendment to make this a felony was passed on a committee with suspended rules and given the chaos in the final days of the Texas 2021 legislature I don't think too many people read this law before signing it.
[QUOTE=BigDeal;1062584534]Couple of thoughts here
Please dont use the term "gals" unless you are over the age 80.

BD, thank you for giving me permission to use the term "gals" as I am 83
Couple of thoughts here
Please dont use the term "gals" unless you are over the age 80.

BD, thank you for giving me permission to use the term "gals" as I am 83 Originally Posted by BigDeal
Pretty funny. BD, when did you become the grammar and etiquette police of eccie???? What term or terms are ACCEPTABLE to you here on this prostitute review board??? Escorts? Concubines? Harlots? Seems like "gals" shouldn't be too big a deal. But then I'm not one of the self proclaimed "tenured professors" here on this website.

Pretty funny. BD, when did you become the grammar and etiquette police of eccie???? What term or terms are ACCEPTABLE to you here on this prostitute review board??? Escorts? Concubines? Harlots? Seems like "gals" shouldn't be too big a deal. But then I'm not one of the self proclaimed "tenured professors" here on this website. Originally Posted by midvale
I appreciate that Playa glad you see the humor in my shot at UC.

However you are correct on you not being a "tenured" anything on this site.
But yes the position just opened up recently and I accepted the role within the organization as the "DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS FOR HOOKER TERMINOLOGY!
Excellent benefits!

Here is the funny part I found it listed on Craiglist but the job was posted on several websites and shocked you missed it as a VIP MEMBER OF
Sites like:

{staff edit-CK-- targeting is not allowed}

SO From now on when you address me please Genuflect
Before you do.

Now back more important grammatical issues!
Cherokeechief's Avatar
The new anti-prostitution law should clear the Texas State House.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
yes the position just opened up recently and I accepted the role within the organization as the "DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS FOR HOOKER TERMINOLOGY!
Excellent benefits! Originally Posted by BigDeal
Didn't the professor require that you actually publish a thesaurus on that terminology before your probationary period expired?
Your tenure can he revoked.

For the thread,
We hit Dallas over the holiday weekend, and various fantasy folks we both know thereabouts all said no issues with taking spouse of the hour to dinners or movies if that's not a "first" date night with that person. However first dates have a much increased level of screening.

Btw, it was amusing that the teasing level we received down there is much more caustic than what you guys deliver.
thesaurus on that terminology Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
UC sorry I never studied paleontology! Lol
But yes the position just opened up recently and I accepted the role within the organization as the "DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS FOR HOOKER TERMINOLOGY!
Congrats on your selection and promotion!!! I'm sure you've had some experience with internal affairs, right??

Oh, and feel free to search for some additional responsibilities and leadership positions on these sites:

{staff edit-CK-- targeting is not allowed}

LOL. OK Back to my other activities that don't involve round the clock monitoring of prostitution review boards.
Congrats on your selection and promotion!!!

Oh, and feel free to search for some additional responsibilities and leadership positions on these sites:

{staff edit-CK-- targeting is not allowed}

LOL. OK Back to my other activities that don't involve round the clock monitoring of prostitution review boards. Originally Posted by playa76
How original was that response?
Btw the links you shared were broken Lol
Ya know I just shed a tear,
These are some of the kindest words youve ever said to me and Im just overwhelmed right now and inconsolable probrably for another 5 min or so..
This could be the turning point where you FINALLY become a tenured member of a society, I mean if any will accept you.
One where men such as you can see trannies and not be judged.

One where you can find peace and FINALLY let go of the pain you felt when Betty gave ya the heave-HOE!
You keep working on it lil fella someday you'll be somebody!
Now you get back to your non hobby activities and keep your chin up (as a catcher that is)

Hey OP now that Im done slappin playa around for hijacking your thread
I think Texas has bigger issues right now with the abortion shit.
I dont think this Texas law will migrate to other states
CryptKicker's Avatar
Gentlemen-- I would suggest you stop targeting each other. Points are generously given.