Biden; Disgusting Obama Flunky

His many failures as VP aside, on his latest trip to China, Biden says he understands the forced abortion policy of China !

Truly disgusting..........he understands the State forcing women to have abortions !!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
LOL I knew you weree a fucking Republican- how about posting the whole video instead of taking shit out of context. Number one when I was in Junior High school in the mid 80's China had a one child population based on it's huge population and it was enacted in order to control population- Biden's speech was on the topic of budget deficit:
The vice president addressed the policy while answering a question about the U.S. budget deficit at a university [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important][/COLOR][/COLOR]in Chengdu on Sunday. He was trying to explain how China has a looming entitlement crisis on its hands because its strict enforcement of the one-child-per-family rule has essentially eroded the "safety net" for seniors. Fewer children means fewer people earning money and supporting retirees.

Sorry Whirl again I know you are bored the only people talking about this non issue is Faux news.

Hey Whirl noticed I didn't hear a peep from you regarding the Libya issue- you know the so called 3rd war which you said Obama has failed- hmmm right now looks like another check mark next to Obama in his foreign policy decision and would do you know- they are on verge of toppling a dictator and not one American life was lost- don't you like that whirl?
Biden's comment was so bad, even the WH had to issue a "clarification"..........a nd I am in good company along with Krautheimer in considering Biden's comment disgusting...........You are welcome to post a link to the complete Biden speech, but it isn't necessary. He said what he said. And your attempt to dress it up with some BS about population control is funny....Please post the entire Biden speech so we can all judge for ourselves.............

I get that you want to protect all of the king's men.......even when they deserve the is a sign of weakness Wellendowed.

On the Libya thing, I never said it was a failure, just bad policy....and I am glad that you are now calling it a "war" - somthing that you went out of your way to avoid calling it in prior posts............

LOL I knew you weree a fucking Republican- how about posting the whole video instead of taking shit out of context. Number one when I was in Junior High school in the mid 80's China had a one child population based on it's huge population and it was enacted in order to control population- Biden's speech was on the topic of budget deficit:
The vice president addressed the policy while answering a question about the U.S. budget deficit at a university [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important][/color][/color]in Chengdu on Sunday. He was trying to explain how China has a looming entitlement crisis on its hands because its strict enforcement of the one-child-per-family rule has essentially eroded the "safety net" for seniors. Fewer children means fewer people earning money and supporting retirees.

Sorry Whirl again I know you are bored the only people talking about this non issue is Faux news.

Hey Whirl noticed I didn't hear a peep from you regarding the Libya issue- you know the so called 3rd war which you said Obama has failed- hmmm right now looks like another check mark next to Obama in his foreign policy decision and would do you know- they are on verge of toppling a dictator and not one American life was lost- don't you like that whirl?
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Biden's comment was so bad, even the WH had to issue a "clarification"..........a nd I am in good company along with Krautheimer in considering Biden's comment disgusting...........You are welcome to post a link to the complete Biden speech, but it isn't necessary. He said what he said. And your attempt to dress it up with some BS about population control is funny....Please post the entire Biden speech so we can all judge for ourselves.............

I get that you want to protect all of the king's men.......even when they deserve the is a sign of weakness Wellendowed.

On the Libya thing, I never said it was a failure, just bad policy....and I am glad that you are now calling it a "war" - somthing that you went out of your way to avoid calling it in prior posts............ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Nope I quoted you on the "war" issue- we were never at war- so let me guess- had Obama did nothing you and the GOP would have said that Obama is showing bad policy he is allowing people to get massacred- remember Khadaffi was on record saying he was going to go to one of those cities and massacre the rebels.
Now had the rebels failed you would have been gloating how bad Obama' policy was- now that victory is all but declared you are singing a different tune-wtf?????
Back to Biden- the burden of proof is on you to post the entire interview you made the allegation- #2 this is nothing but a non-issue to focus attention away of how Obama was correct about supporting the Libyan rebels- Biden has put his foot in his mouth on more than one time and this won't be the last and is a non issue- it's funny how Perry blasted Bien but yet he wanted to "force" high school girls to get a HPV shot- what a fucking joke.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, and now Libya is free! Free to enact Sharia law, circumcise females, allow men to kill their wives, and completely deny women and homosexuals any rights at all. Whoopee! We won!
  • Laz
  • 08-24-2011, 02:05 PM
The real result of the Libya effort will not be known for years. Iraq should be a good example of the uncertainty of any efforts in that region. As for whether it was a war I suspect that if you ask the guys on the receiving end of the bombs they will tell you it was a war.

As for the Biden comment I think he did a good job of pointing out their coming population problem. His effort to avoid offending anyone while being critical of a horrible policy was poorly done I do not think it should be blown out of proportion.
Again...more BS dribble without any links to backup such lightweight analysis of the situation...

Again...where is your link of Biden's full speech in China?

Nope I quoted you on the "war" issue- we were never at war- so let me guess- had Obama did nothing you and the GOP would have said that Obama is showing bad policy he is allowing people to get massacred- remember Khadaffi was on record saying he was going to go to one of those cities and massacre the rebels.
Now had the rebels failed you would have been gloating how bad Obama' policy was- now that victory is all but declared you are singing a different tune-wtf?????
Back to Biden- the burden of proof is on you to post the entire interview you made the allegation- #2 this is nothing but a non-issue to focus attention away of how Obama was correct about supporting the Libyan rebels- Biden has put his foot in his mouth on more than one time and this won't be the last and is a non issue- it's funny how Perry blasted Bien but yet he wanted to "force" high school girls to get a HPV shot- what a fucking joke. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Because I post something critical of Biden you jump to a very inane conclusion that I am a Republican?

Wellendowed your critical thinking skills are amazingly dificient.

LOL I knew you weree a fucking Republican- Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Yes, and now Libya is free! Free to enact Sharia law, circumcise females, allow men to kill their wives, and completely deny women and homosexuals any rights at all. Whoopee! We won! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You might want to read and follow the news- the rebels in Libya and Egypt and Syria as well- don't want a dictatorship or a Theocracy so they would be against Sharia Law that's why these rebellions if successful makes Al-Queada panic.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 08-24-2011, 04:41 PM
I think it's the nature of most VP's to be flunkies to their masters. Except Dick of course. We all know who wore the pants in that administration.
Yes, and now Libya is free! Free to enact Sharia law, circumcise females, allow men to kill their wives, and completely deny women and homosexuals any rights at all. Whoopee! We won! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
libs loove sharia law.besides this will be Obama's gooder sharia, since he enacted it , will be kinder and gentler..
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, WE, you need to quit listening to the state-controlled media. The Muslim Brotherhood is behind all this stuff going on over there. And even if they don't enact Sharia law, which they will, it was never any of our business.
TexTushHog's Avatar
His many failures as VP aside, on his latest trip to China, Biden says he understands the forced abortion policy of China !

Truly disgusting..........he understands the State forcing women to have abortions !!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's actually a very easy policy to understand. They have a serious overpopulation problem. They want to avoid the inevitable problems that accompany overpopulation. Thus, they want to encourage each family to have one child. Plus, the government is atheistic and no dominant religion among the people of China that I know of places any moral approbation on abortion. Why on earth can't everyone understand their policy, even if you don't agree with it? I'd be embarrassed to admit that I was too stupid to understand it.