PrePaid Session

shorty's Avatar
A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Why would a hobbyist prepay for a session? Do you mean deposits? I don't think prepaying for a session is smart at all.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Maybe a deposit but not the full amount.
The only time you should is if its a regular you know and trust otherwise your just setting your up for a bad situation .
wingman1200's Avatar
Being UTR and not posting reviews has its drawbacks, not able to see all the ladies I would like, but there is a traveling group of ladies that will see you without reviews. The way it was explained to me is a process called "", which can be purchased at many major retailers, ie; Walmart, CVS, Walgreens. They require you to buy this card for the required amount, call them with a serial number and they inturn call somewhere and have that money deposited in to thier account. Sounded like more steps than I was wanting to take to see a certain lady. I felt as though it was easier to move onto the next lucky lady.
In essence you are prepaying for her time. What happens if I have a tire blow out on the way to your meeting and cannot reschedule.....looked to me like I take all the risk.
Naomi4u's Avatar
.....looked to me like I take all the risk. Originally Posted by wingman1200
If you don't mind that, then more power to ya!
shorty's Avatar
Yes, a deposit or prepay for session in advance. Do I think its wise, NO! Yet you do get some ladies that do get in a jam and ask some of their regulars for a advance on a session. From a hobbyist standpoint, I would be leery of giving a lady money that I don't really know. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing her for an extended session and then giving her the extra money. This way I'm protected, get BCD activities, and she gets her extra money.
burkalini's Avatar
Nothing can ever be positive from pre-paying a session. If it ends up being a good session then it just the same as if you paid at session time. The only difference is when the provider doesn't ante up and you end up losing out. If you prepay you might as well plan on losing that money.
jughead1171's Avatar
A very interesting question was raised late last night and early this morning about Prepaid Sessions. If your a hobbyist, would you consider Prepaying for the session? Ladies, if you did accept the Prepaid amount, would you refund his money before the session took place, if asked? Originally Posted by shorty
I don't think it would be helpful to prepay for a session unless maybe you can setup some sort of lay a way plans LOL

Being UTR and not posting reviews has its drawbacks, not able to see all the ladies I would like, but there is a traveling group of ladies that will see you without reviews. The way it was explained to me is a process called "", which can be purchased at many major retailers, ie; Walmart, CVS, Walgreens. They require you to buy this card for the required amount, call them with a serial number and they inturn call somewhere and have that money deposited in to thier account. Sounded like more steps than I was wanting to take to see a certain lady. I felt as though it was easier to move onto the next lucky lady.
In essence you are prepaying for her time. What happens if I have a tire blow out on the way to your meeting and cannot reschedule.....looked to me like I take all the risk. Originally Posted by wingman1200
This might work if you were wanting to do some camming with a girl but otherwise probably not realistic for a session.
Cpalmson's Avatar
Prepay, no way. Too much risk involved. It would be the same as a lady who would see one of us and then bill us later.

The way I've had explained to me is that you just give her the card when you meet her. She then uses it like a pre-paid credit card. Only problem is that there are either up front fees or back end fees. That means either I pay more for the card or the lady doesn't get the full value of the card later. All round, it is a bad idea.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yet you do get some ladies that do get in a jam and ask some of their regulars for a advance on a session. Originally Posted by shorty
Don't they have families? Why do they need such support from a client? He is not responsible for them. They should save their fucking money and stop blowing it on stupid shit and maybe they won't get in these jams. Gosh --- I mean if a lady gets in a jam providing then she's not sucking the dick right.
I typically go in with a fist full of $20s and a 5 minute timer. Every time the bell goes off, I stop what I'm doing and slap another $20 on the night stand....Any other way, must be considered pre-paid!!

Fortunately, I don't deal with any ladies where I would have a question about my level of confidence in their integrity.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I typically go in with a fist full of $20s and a 5 minute timer. Every time the bell goes off, I stop what I'm doing and slap another $20 on the night stand....Any other way, must be considered pre-paid!!
Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
LOL! You didn't do this when we met.
ICU 812's Avatar
"Pre-Pay" sounds like some of the Sugar-dady/sugar-Baby arrangements I have read about in other threads here: A pre-paid flat fee for a number of agreed upon sessions each month (or whatever).

I could also see this work with some agencies. A pre paid account could be set up ahead of time and you just make apointments and show up.
I have a regular that only pays me once every other month. I see him once a week, he still has to schedule a time but its much more casual. I wouldn't do it on either side unless the other person was trusted and you knew they wouldn't cause problems. Who needs that..
LOL! You didn't do this when we met. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Of course, my dear, fall under the category of unquestionable integrity!!