'Squad' angers pro-Israel Dems with stance against Iron Dome funding

  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2021, 10:09 AM

AOC, Tlaib successfully opposed funding, drawing ire of many fellow Dems

By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News

Liberal 'Squad' cuts $1 billion in funding for Israel's Iron Dome

'Outnumbered' panel discusses the possible motivation for the 'Squad' to take aim at the Iron Dome and the political fallout from the decision.

Pro-Israel Democrats are pushing back after far-left members of the party successfully pushed to have $1 billion in funding for the Iron Dome missile defense system stripped from a spending bill last week.
After members of the so-called "Squad" of House members led by Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., successfully threatened to oppose the bill that was needed to prevent a government shutdown, House Appropriations Committee Chair Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., introduced a standalone bill to provide the money for the system that has prevented countless casualties in Israel since its introduction in 2011.
"The United States’ commitment to the security of our friend and ally Israel is ironclad. Replenishing interceptors used to protect Israel from attacks is our legal and moral responsibility," DeLauro said in a statement.
"While this funding would ordinarily be included in a year-end spending package, we are advancing this legislation now to demonstrate Congress’ bipartisan commitment to Israel’s security as part of a Middle East with lasting peace," DeLauro continued, referencing how members of her party prevented the inclusion of the money in the larger spending bill, while insisting that Democrats as a whole still support Israel.
DeLauro was far from the only Democrat to speak out regarding the need to continue supporting Israel and the Iron Dome. House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said he would bring the bill to the floor for a vote, calling it "urgently needed."
Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., also said she would work to ensure Congress continues to fund the Iron Dome.
"The Iron Dome is critical to Israel’s national security and livelihood. It saves lives, defends the entire nation from terror attacks, and I will do everything in my power to ensure it stays funded," Maloney tweeted.
Rep. Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y., a progressive who is often at odds with the Squad due to their differences regarding Israel, had sharp words directed at those who would oppose the Iron Dome.
"A missile defense system (i.e. Iron Dome) defends civilians from missiles. Hence the name. Only in a morally inverted universe would this be considered a 'controversy,'" he said.
Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., called the Iron Dome "critical" and said it was "unacceptable" to delay the funding.
"The Iron Dome is critical to Israel's safety and security, and directly tied to our safety and security," Demings tweeted Tuesday. "Delays in funding are unacceptable. It should not be removed from this week's bill and we should pass it immediately."
Not long after DeLauro announced the new bill, Tlaib tweeted that she plans to vote against it, stating that she would not support "human rights abuses and apartheid government."
Tlaib's fellow Michigan Democrat, Rep. Elissa Slotkin, noted in a Tuesday Twitter thread that the "Iron Dome is a purely *defensive* system" that "protects civilians when hundreds of rockets are shot at population centers." She went on to discuss the history of cooperation between the U.S. and Israel on the Iron Dome and the funding that has been in place for years.
"All of this is publicly-available information. So to target Iron Dome now means the issue isn’t a genuine concern over the system, but rather the desire to attack something - anything - related to the State of Israel; it’s devoid of substance and irresponsible," she said

DPST party is dominated by teh 'squad' - not the leadership - and the Squad - and its DPST party - is virulently Anti-Semitic Racist.

They advocate for the destruction Of Israel and all its Peoples
They are a Holocaust promoting genocidal political group that dominates the DPST party decisions.

Any Jewish individual who votes DPST does so a personl peril If the squad takes over American elections - count on AOC concetration camps for 90+ millions of re[publicans, conservatives and jewish Peoples.

They mean to put millions of Peoples up their Omar/Tlaib smokestacks - and the foolish sheeples who vote for them are all at risk of the same fate

Just as they cheer teh holocaust of hitler's Germany - the Squad and their DPST party is RACist Racist Racist!
Why can't Israel pay for it? I would think the populace would be all for that expenditure.
  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2021, 10:54 AM
its' not about the money for teh 'Iron dome' - it is about teh Virulent anti-Semitic Racism of teh Squad and their held hostage DPST party to their planned Anti-Semitic and anti - Conservative Racist Holocaust!
the title says all I want to say about them.
Representatives AO-C and Talib certainly are in over their heads on this one (and one wouldn't want to waste their time trying to explain it to them,) but the whole world will find out someday that it's probably not a good idea to fuck with Israel .....
winn dixie's Avatar
Fuck those anti semitic cunts!

I stand with Israel against all its enemies!
winn dixie's Avatar
Why can't Israel pay for it? I would think the populace would be all for that expenditure. Originally Posted by beguilingeyes
Would you rather monies go to some wasteful lib org? Like training jihadists to be tolerant of trannies? Look it up its real!
Instead of protecting our one and only true Allie.
I fear that no one wants peace in the middle east anymore. Until they do, I feel we should spend our soft power money that moves all parties to the peace tables.

Or say to world, we're done being the Super power that's here to fix all of the worlds regional conflicts and disputes.

I don't think there is a solution the USA can present to Palestine that would satisfy the powers in charge and those that want to be in charge.

So why spend blood sweat and tears on them.
winn dixie's Avatar
Because Israel is our only true Ally
HedonistForever's Avatar

House passes $1B Iron Dome funding after ‘Squad’ got it cut from spending bill

The House overwhelmingly passed a standalone bill to provide $1 billion in funding for Israel’s Iron Dome on Thursday, days after a group of far-left lawmakers threatened to tank a short-term funding bill that included language to allocate funds toward the missile defense system.

The measure passed 420-9. Democrat Reps. Andre Carson (Ind.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.), Marie Newman (Ill.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Chewy Garcia (Ill.), Raul Grijalva (Ariz.), Cori Bush (Mo.) voted against the measure and GOP Thomas Massie (Ky.) also voted the bill down. Reps. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) opted to vote present.

House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) introduced the legislation on Wednesday evening after numerous Democrats expressed outrage over the language being pulled from the short-term funding resolution.

Uh, OH! AOC decided to back stab her squad and vote PRESENT? I can image that conversation with Omar and Tlaib confronting AOC and saying "you bitch, after all the support we have given you, you pull this shit".

Eat up Democrats, you are at a buffet after all.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
AOC was reminded a few days ago how many Jewish heritage folks were in her district.
Geeze, it's a NYC district. Duh.
Omar and Talib are gonna need a lot of help next election.
winn dixie's Avatar
That wide a margin with over whelming support says a lot!

Says a lot about the 9 who voted against it and or "present"!

Says theyre bigots and anti semites
  • oeb11
  • 09-24-2021, 08:59 AM
WD - Amen - good Sir!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As for the nine Ulairi, the will all be defeated, by the destruction of the one.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’d bang AOC if her mouth was duct taped shut (other than for bbbj).