For those who need proof of the BIg Lie...

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wait a second?

Didn’t Arizona just call it for Biden AGAIN?

Better load up on tin foil and paper towels friends! Nothing can stop his coming! All over himself.

Thank you Herr Trump! TEXAS will finally be rid of the demagoguing dipshits under the pink dome.


Donald Trump Suggests He Might Be Reinstated Due to 'Tremendous' Voter Fraud

By Aila Slisco On 9/27/21 at 10:01 PM EDT

In remarks to conservative media network Real America's Voice, Trump seemingly indicated that baseless conspiracy theories that claim he will quickly regain the presidency if it were a possibility. Host Gina Loudon, who has also served as co-chair of the group Women for Trump, asked the former president when the country would "get President Trump back" at his rally in Perry, Georgia on Saturday.

"Well we're going to see," Trump replied. "There's been tremendous voter fraud. And it's being revealed on a daily basis and we'll see what happens."

Newsweek reached out to the office of Trump for comment.

No credible evidence of substantial voter fraud has been uncovered in the more than 10 months since Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, while the election results have long since been certified and finalized. Trump has continued to fight the outcome despite there being no legal pathway for him to be declared the winner or return to office without winning another election.

Trump said he was "looking back" to "find out what happened" during his Saturday interview, while also stressing that some states were "making their rules and regulations" for upcoming elections. The former president said that Republican-backed efforts to change voting laws on issues like ballot signature verification and voter identification would have an impact on future elections.

"I think you're going to be incredibly impressed by what's happening and I think maybe by the next election," said Trump, who has repeatedly hinted that he will be a 2024 candidate without making a firm commitment to run.

Despite Trump's claims that he "won" in 2020, his lawyers failed to convince multiple judges he appointed amid dozens of failed legal challenges in the aftermath of the election. The ex-president has continued to claim that evidence shows massive fraud was a factor in his loss, although no such evidence has been presented and further investigation have only confirmed Biden's victory.

The results of a controversial audit in Arizona's Maricopa County, conducted at the behest of the Republican-controlled state Senate, on Friday found that Trump lost the county to Biden by a slightly larger margin than in the official results. Regardless, fact-free assertions that the exercise provided evidence of fraud and calls for the election to be "decertified" persisted. Trump himself presented a wildly inaccurate summary of the results during his Georgia rally.

"We won at the Arizona forensic audit yesterday at a level that you wouldn't believe," Trump told the crowd on Saturday. "They had headlines that Biden wins in Arizona, when they know it's not true. He didn't win in Arizona. He lost in Arizona based on the forensic audit."
winn dixie's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Can't wait for the Texas audit to show that Biden won Texas!


VitaMan's Avatar
Once again, an investigation into the claim that the 2020 presidential election was “stolen” has revealed nothing that changes the outcome. Once again, this has made no difference whatsoever to those who demanded that such an investigation be conducted and will now predictably demand some other one. After five months, and millions of privately raised dollars, the Arizona “audit” has arrived. And it shows that . . . Joe Biden received 360 more of the 2.1 million ballots that were cast in heavily populated Maricopa County than had previously been thought. Acknowledging this fact, the auditors concluded that “there were no substantial differences between the hand count of the ballots provided and the official canvass results for the County . . . and there is no reliable evidence that the paper ballots were altered to any material degree.”

Supporters of Then-President Donald Trump gather at a "Stop the Steal" protest in front of the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Phoenix, Ariz., November 8, 2020.© Jim Urquhart/Reuters Supporters of Then-President Donald Trump gather at a "Stop the Steal" protest in front of the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center in Phoenix, Ariz., November 8, 2020.
And Donald Trump claims vindication.

America’s election truthers move from debunked claim to debunked claim with no loss of enthusiasm. Upon its announcement back in April, we were promised that the Arizona “audit” would blow the lid off the election scandal at last. Now that it has found nothing of consequence — despite its having been both funded and conducted by people who desperately hoped to find fraud — it has been relegated to a mere “good start.” Downplaying its findings, Representative Paul Gosar complained that the auditors “weren’t given the tools.” But how could they be? How could anyone? From the very beginning, the insistence that the 2020 election was “stolen” has been based not upon a series of falsifiable contentions, but upon the self-sustaining premise that Donald Trump must have won because Donald Trump cannot possibly have lost.

Apologists for the audit point excitedly to its claim that 23,444 mail ballots were cast by voters who moved prior to the date of the election — “phantom voters,” Donald Trump called them. But this is weak. As the report itself notes, not only was the methodology used to arrive at this number sufficiently flawed as to yield “some error,” but there are a myriad of “potential ways” in which the ballots could have been cast that “would not violate the law” at all. And a third of those voters were Republicans.

In another section, the auditors contend that 10,342 Arizonans may have voted twice. Here, too, their methodology is off. That number was arrived at by comparing the names and birth years of around 2.1 million voters in Maricopa County to the names and birth years of all voters in other Arizona counties — a patently imprecise way of going about such a comparison that, in a state of 7.2 million people, was bound to yield false positives.

In the wake of this latest forlorn episode, it seems clearer than ever that the GOP has a choice to make. It can look to the future, outline an attractive political vision, and get ready to capitalize on the unfurling disaster that is the Biden presidency. Or it can spend its time assuaging Donald Trump’s ego, stupidly relitigating the past, and suicidally damaging the trust that its own voters have in the electoral system. Only one of these courses will lead to another Republican president. And it’s not the one that involves tin foil.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They seem to be running out of fingers and toes!

VitaMan's Avatar
When will Trump supporters realize Trump is deep inside the Trump Twilight Zone ?

Hee Hee! Surely hard to imagine what the country here would be like
if Trump was still on.

No worrys though, lads. Trump will surely fix things when he's voted back on.

### Salty
I doubt I would agree with the OP on much of anything, but I do believe that Trump should just let it go and concentrate on how much the senile stupid old bastard in the WhiteHouse is totally fucking things up.
bambino's Avatar
I doubt I would agree with the OP on much of anything, but I do believe that Trump should just let it go and concentrate on how much the senile stupid old bastard in the WhiteHouse is totally fucking things up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you don’t fix fraudulent elections there won’t be anything left to fix.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Find one first. Then fix it.
Little Monster's Avatar
I doubt I would agree with the OP on much of anything, but I do believe that Trump should just let it go and concentrate on how much the senile stupid old bastard in the WhiteHouse is totally fucking things up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not cleaning up someone else's messes fast enough is not the same thing as fucking things up. Trump would get his ass beat again in 2024. Probably worse than the first three times.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I thought Trump was supposed to be back in office by August. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait a little longer for something that will never ever ever ever fucking happen ever ever ever again. LOL
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump is afraid to run in 2024 and getting beat twice. The first time he has become a nut case because he can't accept the fact that he lost, and has the rest of the world laughing at him. Imagine a former President of another country babbling on this long about what he considers a fraudulent election process.

Wow, Lucas is back in the saddle !
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I did my 90 day time but you know what they say - you really only do two days; the 1st day and the last day. I just count time like the convicts do.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I should've thought of this thread.