Oh yeah! Abbott, you REALLY suck too! Poll number plummet.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You won't read this one on Newsmax! Or OANN. Or ... what's that RWW blog that gets cut and pasted without edits all day everyday?

If Abbott survives this, then it'll be because all the good illegals got shipped to Florida to vote against DeSantis.

Miss me boys?


Support for Abbott plunging in Texas: poll
BY MONIQUE BEALS - 09/19/21 12:45 PM EDT 2,338

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) job performance rating has fallen sharply, according to a new poll that shows a majority of Texans now disapprove of him.

Forty-five percent of Texans approve of Abbott's performance as governor, while 54 percent say the state is headed in the wrong direction, according to the survey from The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Abbott's approval rating was at 59 percent prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of more than 60,000 people in the state, The Dallas Morning News noted.

These fatalities, coupled with Abbott's "right turn" and stance on hot-button issues such as abortion, the border wall, guns and COVID-19-related mandates, may have contributed to his falling ratings, according to the newspaper.

Some of Abbott's notable recent agenda items include banning abortions as early as six weeks, allowing people to carry concealed handguns without permits and banning the teaching of critical race theory.

Pollsters said respondents were divided on these issues, with 48 percent saying the abortion law should be overturned and 50 percent disagreeing.

Another 50 percent said they opposed the concealed carry policy, and 56 percent said teachers should be "permitted to discuss how historical examples of discrimination in our laws apply to inequalities today."

The poll also found that 37 percent of respondents said they would vote for Abbott's potential 2022 opponent Beto O'Rourke, putting the former congressman just 5 percentage points behind Abbott.

The survey had Texas resident Matthew McConaughey 9 points ahead of Abbott, with 44 percent of respondents saying they would vote for the actor.

Neither O'Rourke nor McConaughey has officially declared a run for office.

The new poll of 1,148 registered voters was conducted Sept. 7 to Sept. 14 and has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

This article was updated at 5:14 p.m. to correct Abbott's approval ratings.
winn dixie's Avatar
Another article with carefully selected polls trying to make a Conservative look bad!

You and vita should coordinate which threads ya'll should combine.
.... rather bleedin' obvious that they polled the Haitians.

### Salty
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Maybe Wendy Davis will run for governor again. You predicted that she would beat Abbott in 2014 and she ended up losing by 21% points.
Little Monster's Avatar
.... rather bleedin' obvious that they polled the Haitians.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Just joined two days ago and all of your posts thus far are in this forum? I'm wondering what banned fascist this one is? Just a thought.

McConaughey 2022

Abbott is nothing more than a Trump ass kisser, who's more worried about controlling people, suppressing the vote, and forcing rape victims to carry out their pregnancy like the Fascist-Conservative that he is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The Texas Taliban. Unabatedly threatening the lives of millions so Abbott and Costello, err, Goeb, errrr PATRICK can get an attaboy from Trump.

And some people thought their gun (un)law was bad.

Those dipshits were just getting started.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe Wendy Davis will run for governor again. You predicted that she would beat Abbott in 2014 and she ended up losing by 21% points. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Or Beto. He was born to lose.
  • Tiny
  • 09-28-2021, 07:02 PM
.... rather bloody obvious that they polled the Haitians.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Fixed that for you. At a minimum the RCMP should get you to sit through Mad Max a couple of times before they send you out into world and tell you to start speaking Australian.
bambino's Avatar
Fixed that for you. At a minimum the RCMP should get you to sit through Mad Max a couple of times before they send you out into world and tell you to start speaking Australian. Originally Posted by Tiny
He’s a better Australian than HoeHummer was a Canadian. BTW, where did he go? A Trudeau quarantine camp?
Redhot1960's Avatar
Miss me boys? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Judgement Day won’t be rigged ... YRSE0zombie

VitaMan's Avatar
Did they have to include Matthew McConaughey ? Kim Kardashian probably would have polled the highest.
  • Tiny
  • 09-28-2021, 08:02 PM
He’s a better Australian than HoeHummer was a Canadian. BTW, where did he go? A Trudeau quarantine camp? Originally Posted by bambino
When they fuck up like HoeHummer did they make a human guinea pig out of you. He's probably up north, dressed up like a female polar bear and doused in pheromones so the males think he's in heat.
winn dixie's Avatar
Maybe Wendy Davis will run for governor again. You predicted that she would beat Abbott in 2014 and she ended up losing by 21% points. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Has a rat gnawed that mole off her face yet? I cant stand looking at that cunt
The only way abbot could win again is with a corrupt election where votes won't count against abbot. Maybe his electric providers can buy him another election and freeze texas again
Fixed that for you. At a minimum the RCMP should get you to sit through Mad Max a couple of times before they send you out into world and tell you to start speaking Australian. Originally Posted by Tiny
Uh, actually, "bleedin'" is in the action. "Bloody" is past.
Primary school surely musta been a breeze for you.

Hmmm... "Mad Max". Mel Gibson. How much more American can you get?

### Salty