Who Would Not Want To Come Here?
One of the justifications for letting illegal aliens cross our southern border from Mexico is that America collectively is somehow responsible for the economic and societal conditions in the source country. Traditionally, these people have come from central America and Mexico. Now we are seeing large numbers, hundreds of THOUSANDS of illegal aliens coming from Caribbean nations (Hati) and now other, non-western hemisphere countries.
The world's population is now well over seven billion. Of all the countries in the world, only a very few have economic and societal conditions equivalent to or better than the USA. Most of them are in Western Europe with a few from the Pacific rim. That leaves the population of most of the rest of the world living in conditions as bad or worse than Russia, China and India. Based on the home-country conditions justification for our open border, there must be four or five BILLION world citizens who would qualify. Name any African country for instance: Who wouldn't want to leave Namibia to live in the poorest area of anywhere in the USA? To any of them, Appalachia would seem to be the promised land.
But expand the scope of this discussion just to include other policies as well as "Open Borders".
The Preamble of the Constitution lays out the purpose for structuring the framework of our government the way it was set down. They referenced the concepts of justice, tranquility, defense and liberty.
The policies that have lead us to this point blatantly violate most of the Preamble's spirit, if not the letter of the Constitution itself.