Trump's Vaccine that he made at warped speed isn't working like it should.

More people will have died from COVID under Biden than Trump so the Trump vaccine isn't working like it should!!!

He must have left something out of it!
berryberry's Avatar
Wow - you finally admitted Senile Biden is a failure. Senile Biden said he had a plan to beat Covid. And yet after being handed every fucking advantage - such as not one but THREE different vaccines, multiple therapeutics, ample supplies, ubiquitous testing, and every medical, scientific or financial resource he could ever need to fight the virus - ALL thanks to President Trump - Senile Biden has still FAILED.

Now, are you going to blame all those Covid deaths in 2021 on Senile Biden like you did in 2020 on President Trump

Just admit it - Senile Biden had no plan. Senile Biden is a dementia addled fool that suckered you and others in. Admit it - you have been duped.
Wow - you finally admitted Senile Biden is a failure. Senile Biden said he had a plan to beat Covid. And yet after being handed every fucking advantage - such as not one but THREE different vaccines, multiple therapeutics, ample supplies, ubiquitous testing, and every medical, scientific or financial resource he could ever need to fight the virus - ALL thanks to President Trump - Senile Biden has still FAILED.

Now, are you going to blame all those Covid deaths in 2021 on Senile Biden like you did in 2020 on President Trump

Just admit it - Senile Biden had no plan. Senile Biden is a dementia addled fool that suckered you and others in. Admit it - you have been duped. Originally Posted by berryberry
I guess the three vaccines are no good either if there are more dying. I guess they are going to be on that same list as Hydroxychloroqine, lights up the rectum and bleach. Those were real miracle cures your orange man left Biden.

So I guess when it comes down to it, he really didn’t leave anything worthwhile. Well memories of all riots he helped to create. A gigantic nation debt that he left and is now telling his people not to pay.

Just like a person that his wife has cheated on him, but he keeps taking her back time after time. Cause he loves her. You guys still love the orange guy that fuck our country up in record ways. He was even better than George W. He gave the gift that keeps on giving, all his debt and all bad medicine. WOW
lustylad's Avatar
Sounds like bypass has a "heads i win, tails u lose" coin.

If the vaccines work, Biden gets the credit, if they fail, Trump gets the blame.

This is how libtard losers "debate".
Sounds like bypass has a "heads i win, tails u lose" coin.

If the vaccines work, Biden gets the credit, if they fail, Trump gets the blame.

This is how libtard losers "debate". Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey I;m slow, you guys have been saying daily about how Trump invented the vaccine and Biden there are more dying now then all of last year. So as you guys say, dah, I guess Trumps medicines he invented aren't working. You guys can't have it both ways. So if he invented it, its no good, your words.
bambino's Avatar
Hey I;m slow, you guys have been saying daily about how Trump invented the vaccine and Biden there are more dying now then all of last year. So as you guys say, dah, I guess Trumps medicines he invented aren't working. You guys can't have it both ways. So if he invented it, its no good, your words. Originally Posted by bypass
Nobody said Trump invented the vaccine. He eliminated red tape and invested billions in the Pharma industry to bring them to market. Only the dim of wit say Trump invented the vaccines. Geez.
Nobody said Trump invented the vaccine. He eliminated red tape and invested billions in the Pharma industry to bring them to market. Only the dim of wit say Trump invented the vaccines. Geez. Originally Posted by bambino
Then your little buddy is a “dim of wit”.
Love how u guys love giving Trump all the credit for the vaccine but blame Biden if it’s not 100%
Here’s a newsflash. Nothing is 100%. All of this is about percentages and limiting hospitalizations. But whatever…keep battling it out.
bambino's Avatar
Then your little buddy is a “dim of wit”.
Love how u guys love giving Trump all the credit for the vaccine but blame Biden if it’s not 100%
Here’s a newsflash. Nothing is 100%. All of this is about percentages and limiting hospitalizations. But whatever…keep battling it out. Originally Posted by Charley3
Dim of wit, not “A” dim of wit. That would be just a plain dimwit. You can come to your own conclusions.
berryberry's Avatar
Nobody said Trump invented the vaccine. He eliminated red tape and invested billions in the Pharma industry to bring them to market. Only the dim of wit say Trump invented the vaccines. Geez. Originally Posted by bambino
Exactly Bam, exactly

After reading what a couple lefties post on this forum, they either fit your definition or are parody accounts.

They don't know what the hell to do now that their hero, Senile Biden, has been exposed as a failure yet again. So I guess they resort to their default of blaming everything on President Trump.
Meanwhile the fact is Senile Biden said he had a plan to beat Covid. And yet after being handed every advantage Senile Biden has still FAILED.
berryberry's Avatar
Yet another example of Senile Biden's failure - Merck developed an oral COVID anti-viral drug. Alas, the supply is constrained. Why - because unlike President Trump who pre-bought promising drugs, Senile Biden is too busy napping and getting his diaper changed to pre-buy Merck's supply so Merck could ramp up production

Per Scott Gottleib MD on CNBC - "We are dose limited between now and the end of the year" "My lament is that manufacturing should have been sitting there hot, waiting for this--it's not a Merck problem. This is really the government."
Dim of wit, not “A” dim of wit. That would be just a plain dimwit. You can come to your own conclusions. Originally Posted by bambino
Actually “dim of wit” is never used by anyone other then dimwits on a hooker board. But thanks for playing. Now go report me.
Actually I may report you this time since you sort of called me a mean name you bully. U Hurt my feelingssssss. Lol
Berry "Merck developed an oral COVID anti-viral drug. Alas, the supply is constrained. Why - because unlike President Trump who pre-bought promising drugs, Senile Biden is too busy napping and getting his diaper changed to pre-buy Merck's supply so Merck could ramp up production"

Those are you guys words that Trump made all of the vaccines not mine. Go back and read you countless posts of how Trump made all three vaccines. Now you same guys say the vaccines aren't working and trying to put the blame on a president that is trying everything to get rid of this mess he has inherited. So all of you that have said that, must be the Dim of wit.

Trump was pre-buying that super life saving drug Hydroxychloroqine? Hydroxychloroqine is used to treat or prevent Malaria. If you remember Trump called the virus a hoax until he ended up getting the virus. When the Orange man was flown to the hospital scared shitless they pulled out the real drugs no one from the general public was allowed to have and he was cured in a couple of days of taking them.

See the problem for you guys is most of your posts are made up bullshit, they are wet dreams with no truth what so ever. Then after a while you can’t remember your own bullshit. Now a days all news groups say the same shit daily except Fox. When you lie you have to remember all your bullshit and try and separate it from the facts.

Apparently you guys aren't that smart, you can't remember your useless bullshit. Maybe you guys can go back and refresh your memories for that famous news group, Elmer Fudd top news service that you post here all the time.
Hydroxychloroquine was shown to be effective in lab tests at inhibiting cytokine storms, which is what kills. It worked by suppressing the immune system, which is what it does under normal usage.

Basically, it worked well in the lab, but not out in the field.
lustylad's Avatar
The vaccines DO work. No one except the OP is saying otherwise. They keep most uninfected people from getting the virus or, if they do get it, from experiencing more than mild symptoms.

Biden stupidly undercuts this fact by demonizing the unvaccinated as a threat to the vaxxed people. If vaccines work, then they should protect you from potential covid carriers. That means means unvaxxed folks are no threat to the vaxxed.

Either Biden is too stupid to realize he is undercutting his own message, or else he thinks people are too stupid to notice. He is incapable of gentle persuasion. He gets angry, talks down to the country, and issues mandates (after having promised not to) that ignore the science and piss everyone off. No wonder his approval ratings have crashed!

Meanwhile, trumpy has calmly said the vaccines work - but everyone should be free to make their own decisions after consulting with their doctors.

So Biden is actually making Trump look like the wise, calming elder stateman in this matter!

Heck of a job, Joey!
Lusty "Meanwhile, trumpy has calmly said the vaccines work - but everyone should be free to make their own decisions after consulting with their doctors."

Trumpy said he won the election,Trumpy said he couldn't show his taxes cause they were being audited, he never shut the fuck up, he talked to hear his voice. Thank go we don't have to listen to him anymore. Bad example of what some piece of shit use to say.