Anyone see her?

Looks like a bot to me, no location, no phone.......
Plus at 21 I'd be cautious as BPD uses 19-20-21 ages and then the girl is actually 17 and you get hit with the "minor" charge as well......
Just the fact that any of it is felony charges now is bad enough
Thanks for the info
Magik's Avatar
  • Magik
  • 10-16-2021, 08:31 AM
Yes, I have seen her previously. She has been around for maybe a year, and was friends with Naiomi who has been reviewed on here previously a few times. Similar session-wise. She has a profile on secretbenefits as well that has more pics of her if you want to check that out.
There is no contact info on the ad, unless I am overlooking it.