Trump can't help himself with Colin Powell

Again, this POS disparages a great American. His ego won't allow him to put his differences aside and show his respects for a great man that spent his entire life serving this nation.
What a fucking class act.
He finished with "I hope they say nice things about me when I die".
Your sheep will, but the vast majority will piss on your grave.
Newsflash. Exhibit number 34,765,386 showing Donald Trump is a huge narcissistic steaming pile of shit.
snoopy75's Avatar
Why are we concerning ourselves with someone who is out of office, again? Let him fade off into the sunset...
bambino's Avatar
OCTOBER 19, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!

FatCity's Avatar

lol, people are still pinning their hopes on this guy?
Why are we concerning ourselves with someone who is out of office, again? Let him fade off into the sunset... Originally Posted by snoopy75
Because I think Biden is done. I’m hoping a solid Republican steps up that isn’t a complete dick. There are still far right sheeple out there that will vote for this POS. I don’t want him anywhere near the election to take away votes from someone that actually has the ability to communicate effectively. Kind of an important thing for the POTUS.
FatCity's Avatar
What made Trump a candidate wasn't his policies, it was that he was shitting on the political class. The guy won primaries because he steamrolled all GOP candidates acting like fags and he called them out on it. Someone that is willing to put it out there even though its not popular is real LEADERSHIP, it takes balls.

Sadly there is no hope to be found in politicians, who are just trying to win a popularity contest through market research. Once you realize that, you know this country has been dead for a long time. It isn't ONE person that is going to change anything. You have to completely dismantle all incestuous branches of government because its all gladhanding corrupt
Jacuzzme's Avatar
What made Trump a candidate wasn't his policies, it was that he was shitting on the political class. Originally Posted by FatCity
Speak for yourself, I voted for him twice BECAUSE of his policies. The boorish attitude towards politicians was just a bonus.
Speak for yourself, I voted for him twice BECAUSE of his policies. The boorish attitude towards politicians was just a bonus. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... Too right, mate.

Some o' you lads piss and moan that you want
a "outsider" fellow to run so he or she can upset
the apple cart of the Washington career politicians.

Then when you get one - TRUMP - you cry and whine
that He pushed people around too much and that
he sayes mean things and tweets.

... And you LEAVE OUT the fact that the liberal
news media pushed the phony Trump/Russia collusion
bullshit story and the fake dossier.

Hillary, the Dems, OBama and the FBI all KNOW
that the whole thing was phony - Hillary and
Perkins-Coie were BEHIND it.

ANY of you got the honesty and integrity to
say THAT was wrong - what they did to TRUMP?

... Or the FACT that TRUMP had the country
and economy running WELL.

... How are things with Biden on?

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Speak for yourself, I voted for him twice BECAUSE of his policies. The boorish attitude towards politicians was just a bonus. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
No..this is boorish attitude towards a man that was raised in Harlem by Jamaican immigrants, worked his way thru ROTC and 35 years of military service (with honors) up to a 4 star General while silver spoon Trump dodged the draft.
The blind following of this clown by you far right clowns is predictable. I knew I’d get the reactions I did. You guys didn’t disappoint! Originally Posted by bambino
What does that have to do with Trump making an ass out of himself like he does daily? Either an insult about some American Hero like Colin Powell or John McCain or someone else doing good for our country that fought for us.

Remember Colin didn't have fake bone spurs and actually went to the service and didn't have his rich daddy get him out of going to the service with some big lie. That is why Trump lied so much in office. He through he was still at home lying and cheating someone out of money as he did daily. That is why he had to go to court constantly....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ve known literally hundreds of guys who grew up poor and spent a lifetime in the service, it’s a prominent demographic. None of them will get state funerals, and most are far more deserving.

Bypass, you have any proof that President Trump’s “bone Spurs” were fake? Something like that would require a medical exam. It’d be much easier for a rich kid to get a different type of deferment that didn’t, which tends to indicate that the story is true.
bambino's Avatar
I’ve known literally hundreds of guys who grew up poor and spent a lifetime in the service, it’s a prominent demographic. None of them will get state funerals, and most are far more deserving.

Bypass, you have any proof that President Trump’s “bone Spurs” were fake? Something like that would require a medical exam. It’d be much easier for a rich kid to get a different type of deferment that didn’t, which tends to indicate that the story is true. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Like Bill Clinton.
I’ve known literally hundreds of guys who grew up poor and spent a lifetime in the service, it’s a prominent demographic. None of them will get state funerals, and most are far more deserving.

Bypass, you have any proof that President Trump’s “bone Spurs” were fake? Something like that would require a medical exam. It’d be much easier for a rich kid to get a different type of deferment that didn’t, which tends to indicate that the story is true. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Your right, OJ Simpson had Arthritis so bad he couldn't have possibly killed Nicole either. What a Joke.

Rick people can pay someone off to make a bone spur the size of a pea to the size of a football. Money talks.