
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I know in this business you will get drama . It just comes with it . But to get what I have been getting is unacceptable the past three months . It’s bullying and harassment and I am not going to keep staying quite . Let’s just go straight to the punchline and not beat around the bush . Arealone and Macey wooo I can only refer to them as Bonnie and Clyde . They are out to destroy me , Alexa Anderson and Ginger Doll . Arealone you have one side of a story which is Macey’s . Your a grown man acting like a toddler . How dare you message Noel Moss that your glad she’s no longer with me , that I will ruin her life life like me and Alexa did Macey’s . You are passing some damn text around about me , Alexa and Ginger doll saying where the axis of evil . You know how I know this ??? Because you showed it yo Macey and others and it got back to me . That’s why I just casually blocked you on Twitter . But you did not stop there . You keep contacting providers to talk about me . Do you not work during the day ??? Why are you so obsessed with me . Your cheap AF all you do is text gossip . I would never see you as a client thats why you have never met me . It’s just pitiful you believe Macey’s damsel in distress act . She put her big boobs in your face and you lost your mind . Your willing to talk badly about me to everyone over a provider that has outed me to people on this board , called the police on me and told them I was a prostitute that was harassing her , that takes deposits from clients , says she’s moving to FL as a sales tactic to get more business . She has literally made me miserable and you have helped her . The only person that is harassing is you Arealone and Macey . I hope her discounts she gave you on a session with her we’re worth it to blast me and Alexa and Ginger for her . You kept pushing me Arealone the past few months well now I’m not staying quite . I’m tired of turning the other cheek to people like you . Oh and guys on here Arealone shares everything you guys write with Macey . I would be careful … oh and one last thing Noel and I are wonderful friends always have been always will be . She is not with Stars crew she is on her own . I am helping her this week with a Twitter account and a ECCIE so she can be her own person on here and have a voice . I am sorry for any misspelled words as I wrote this on my phone on my lunch break and I was wee but irritated that I’m still being bullied by a grown man on here

Arealone this is not a hobby for Noel , Alexa , Ginger or me this is our livelihood as it is for every provider on here . I want you to sit and think if you have the compassion to do so , we ladies have to work in this environment stop making it toxic . Would you like to go to work every day in a toxic filled environment over a gossipmonger starting it . Stop this nonsense . No one likes this behavior
Good for you for speaking up, Lauren!

I don’t think most gentleman realize what we ladies go through on a daily basis in order to be able to provide hobbyists an escape from their real lives and create fantasies for them! Constant texting & phone calls from time wasters, last minute cancellations & no-shows, unstable clients that threaten our safety… Anxiety over being exposed, arrested or physically harmed constantly looming. It’s not easy!

Adding unnecessary drama & spreading hate and discontent behind the scenes through rumors, inaccurate information and just downright lies contributes to an already difficult occupation. It’s toxic and unnecessary.

If there is a provider that you don’t care for, simply don’t schedule. But like Lauren said, this is most provider’s livelihoods and no one has a right to unduly negatively influence others. Other gentleman can do their own research and make up their own minds about who they want to see, and who they don’t.

This campaign of hatred and cyberstalking has to stop.

Please respect our livelihoods as much as we respect yours, that is all we are asking.
Also, to clear the air about the accusations being made about Noel Moss…

I personally know she is completely independent. She and I have shared encounters together in the past when she worked for Lauren. She is a wonderful person!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Yes Ginger, Noel is amazing and a good person .

This job is not only physical it takes a toll on you mentally . The anxiety for providers to wake up every day and not know who they are seeing and if he will treat you with respect or endanger your life especially when traveling in larger cities is enough stress for a panic attack . Not knowing if we will get covid , its not like we can stand six feet away and then have lung issues the rest of our lives just to see a client to pay bills for our families our children etc . The constant texting , emails , DM's and never book a call . Or in Arelaone's case just to reach out to providers to gossip about me and not even book with them .
Not everyone is going to be your cup of tea just go your separate ways . There is no reason to make more stress in this job .
Clients when these providers wake up they don't have a salary or 401k or heath benefits , they rely on this most of them solely . When a parent passes or a child is sick or if they have back pain from falling off a ladder , they still have to work no matter how bad they feel . All of these providers need to be shown respect for the job that they do every single day to provide to you . If you have a bad experience during a appointment that's what REVIEWS are for . Not to text providers text message that I am the axis of evil and pass it around because you're partial to a provider and heard a one sided story .
Arealone I am extremely disappointed in your behavior , I think its great you and Macey are BFF's , everyone needs a best friend , but to continue to verbally attack me to everyone in text message that I will ruin there life like I did maceys is just beyond my comprehension . You used to check on me After sweet Sara passed away because you knew we had been best friends for years , in fact since we were kids . You really think Sara would stay around me if I ruined lives . Your lucky this is a hobby for you , this is our real life and work that you brought all this garbage too
Alexa9292's Avatar
Wow this is so ridiculous like ok ONE GUY AND ONE FEMALE hating 🤣🤣😂😂 do they not have time for other things ? Obviously not because they spend so much time focusing on us … I treat people like the nothing they are to me words do not effect me in ANY WAY I just think it’s pathetic how hot they are over us … well if people wasn’t so F*k up in the head and lying about their age and being such a loony things would be different all I have to say is people bring that on themselves!! Like her and they like to play on this site … HERES THE THING IM A GROWN WOMEN THAT DOES HER OWN THING IF ANYONE DONT LIKE SO BE IT THEY AINT DOING ANYTHING FOR ME AND MOVE ON AND KICK ROCKS … AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ME AND OTHER PEOPLE IS THAT I DONT GO TELL ON PEOPLE I HANDLE MY BUSINESS LIKE A MATURE PERSON DOES AND ALL THAT THEY ARE STIRRING UP IS SO PETTY SO IMMATURE DOES SAY A LOT ABOUT THE SOURCE AND IF ITS TRUE 🤣🤣🤣 ladies we are soooo much better than that leave the nobody’s to the nobody’s
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Laurenspencer's Avatar
For any provider or client that supports Macey Jewel or Arealone please don’t contact me . Leave me completely alone . Don’t ask me about anything or about Macey don’t message me .You are entitled to your opinion about me but keep it to your self . You don’t have to use my services . This is America it’s all about choices .Shame on you Macey , months later to continue this harassment and to get a client to help you do it . You two know that bullying is against the law ??? So is harassment . Macey I have been loud and clear my feelings towards you . Stay away from me go away leave me alone . I will never forgive you for what you have done . Stop talking about me , stop calling providers about me and clients . Just STOP �� you reach out to Anyone any everyone that will
Listen . People go there separate ways every day . I want a divorce from you . Whatever is is I want away from you . Never in my life have I seen anything like This . I feel like I’m in fatal attraction .
For all you reading this saying poor Macey , it’s called cause and affect I’m sure you guys leaned it In elementary school , Macey is the cause and I’m the effect . No one would be this upset and take a thread out if they weren’t being harassed .
Dunno who would read this and say poor Macey. It makes me think poor Lauren.
WMJ4657's Avatar
Wow that's quite the read. Where is the thread "axis of evil" come's from? 😳

I went back and looked at the Macy thread & looks to me like Arealone was defending the OP & not Macy, maybe I am reading it wrong 🤔
Laurenspencer's Avatar
you are correct sweetie , he did defend the OP No show Macey Jewel thread , in the very beginning , he was quick to jump in . But him and Macey quickly became friends while that was going on and if you notice he has never said anything again .

I have studied psychology for many years and how the mind works . Arealone reaches out to women where he sees weakness or drama going on so that he can feed off of that and be a white night . When a women trusts you in this business you get more perks . Arealone was willing to throw anyone under a bus he could to get what he wanted .
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Doc you are such a wonderful person . The providers that know you all love you . I have worked so hard to make eccie a good place and for everyone to get along . Which by this thread it does not look like that lol but my patience completely wore out today and I wanted my voice heard . I just have no idea why people are so damn mean

The providers need to stick together that's all we have is one another to keep us safe in this business . Not try to destroy one another
biomed1's Avatar
This Thread is a classic example of the following issue discussed in the Guidleines
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
I'm trying like a mother fucker to bury this...lol

Why people gossip… An interesting read.

Laurenspencer's Avatar
My mothers always said to never gossip about anyone if it’s true or not true .. we have not walked a mile in that persons shoes and we don’t know what there going through