President Biden said it. Why can't I?

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Supreme Leader can use the N-word because He is to giving good social credit score easily to everyone easy!
adav8s28's Avatar
Reading a quote from someone else? You have nothing, zero, nada. If sleepy Joe thought like that the Gov of Michigan would been number two on the ticket, not Kamala Harris.
winn dixie's Avatar
Reading a quote from someone else? You have nothing, zero, nada. If sleepy Joe thought like that the Gov of Michigan would been number two on the ticket, not Kamala Harris. Originally Posted by adav8s28
joeys didnt pick her! the dnc appointed her to help win the election.
adav8s28's Avatar
joeys didnt pick her! the dnc appointed her to help win the election. Originally Posted by winn dixie
No. Biden had to pay back Congressman Jim Clyburn for delivering the South Carolina in primaries. Up until that point Biden's campaign was in a struggle. Biden's campaign took off after the South Carolina victory.

The DNC did pull some funny business on Bernie Sanders when he ran against Hillary that and the Super Delegates knocked out Bernie. They don't have the super delegates anymore.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Reading a quote from someone else? You have nothing, zero, nada. If sleepy Joe thought like that the Gov of Michigan would been number two on the ticket, not Kamala Harris. Originally Posted by adav8s28
He still said it.

Question still stands. President Biden said it. Why can't I?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No. Biden had to pay back Congressman Jim Clyburn for delivering the South Carolina in primaries. Up until that point Biden's campaign was in a struggle. Biden's campaign took off after the South Carolina victory.

The DNC did pull some funny business on Bernie Sanders when he ran against Hillary that and the Super Delegates knocked out Bernie. They don't have the super delegates anymore. Originally Posted by adav8s28

you are completely correct! butt u are so 2016. let's talk about how the DNC fucked unelectable Bernie in 2020.

sorry eky9.5 and ada .. Bernie the commie is unelectable. so the DNC had to thin a large herd and got all but Beavis Butthead Biden, Bernie the Commie and Warren the fake Indian and bitchtard Bernie socialist. to drop out.

before Super Tuesday.


a deal was made. KammelFace and Buttplug got top slots, Bernie got a seat at the table (which will ruin the Democratic party) and they, the DNC, rigged it .. again .. and yet so many cling to this racist, Jim Crow, KKK founding party.


the Democratic Party is the NAZI party of 2021

it's soooooo plain to see.

and they sacked Churchill after he helped win WWII then brought him back in the 50's. when socialist Britain already floundering

That racist POS that the leftwingers love...
No. Biden had to pay back Congressman Jim Clyburn for delivering the South Carolina in primaries. Up until that point Biden's campaign was in a struggle. Biden's campaign took off after the South Carolina victory.

The DNC did pull some funny business on Bernie Sanders when he ran against Hillary that and the Super Delegates knocked out Bernie. They don't have the super delegates anymore. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Do you approve of that racist...DO TELL??
adav8s28's Avatar
Do you approve of that racist...DO TELL?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Last I checked sleepy Joe has never been associated with the Klan like David Duke or the dixiecrat party like Good ole Strom Thurmond. The staunch segregationist who somehow fathered a child with a black woman and filibustered the Civil rights act in 1965 as a republican.

If you want to look up racist in websters, good ole Strom will be at the top.
Last I checked sleepy Joe has never been associated with the Klan like David Duke or the dixiecrat party like Good ole Strom Thurmond. The staunch segregationist who somehow fathered a child with a black woman and filibustered the Civil rights act in 1965 as a republican.

Originally Posted by adav8s28
... Hmmm... surely left out Byrd.

Do every thing - turn turn turn...

And of course - the FACT that the Klan had southern ties
to the Democratic party. ... since we're discussing the Klan.

### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
you are completely correct! butt u are so 2016. let's talk about how the DNC fucked unelectable Bernie in 2020.

sorry eky9.5 and ada .. Bernie the commie is unelectable. so the DNC had to thin a large herd and got all but Beavis Butthead Biden, Bernie the Commie and Warren the fake Indian and bitchtard Bernie socialist. to drop out.

before Super Tuesday.


a deal was made. KammelFace and Buttplug got top slots, Bernie got a seat at the table (which will ruin the Democratic party) and they, the DNC, rigged it .. again .. and yet so many cling to this racist, Jim Crow, KKK founding party.


the Democratic Party is the NAZI party of 2021

it's soooooo plain to see.

and they sacked Churchill after he helped win WWII then brought him back in the 50's. when socialist Britain already floundering

BAHHHAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I was right about 2016 and 2020. You don't give Congressman Clyburn the credit he deserves for saving sleepy Joe's campaign. Remember Biden said a woman would be on the ticket. Biden wanted to pay back Clyburn for saving his campaign so a woman of color ended up on the ticket. The female Gov. of Mich was very high on Biden's list (in the top 4). It might have been her if were not for Clyburn publicly calling for a woman of color to be on the democratic ticket. I don't think the DNC had anything to do with selecting Kamala (other than vetting her). Remember the Democratic party chairwoman from 2016 got fired for pulling the funny business on Bernie in 2016. If they were involved it was really on the down low. As for Senator Warren getting out of the race, in the primaries she did not even win her home state of Mass. You don't win your home state you're not going very far.
.... But keep defending Sleepy Joe.

You obviously feel he's doing a good job.
Though the American people DON'T agree with you.

Look at the polls. And hear the Chants.

### Salty
adav8s28's Avatar
... Hmmm... surely left out Byrd.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Byrd changed, he voted for the ACA (Obamacare). Good ole Strom never changed. He was a segregationist to the day he died.

You try to lump the dixiecrat party with the John F. Kennedy democrats. Your logic just does not fly, Salty. Are you sure you were never Uncle Han?
adav8s28's Avatar
.... But keep defending Sleepy Joe.

You obviously feel he's doing a good job.
Though the American people DON'T agree with you.

Look at the polls. And hear the Chants.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sleepy Joe took a hit in the polls because of the pullout of AG. No one thought (From the Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff all the way down) that the Ag army would fall apart in two weeks. Once that happened you were going to have problems, unless you redeployed more troops. Sleepy Joe did not want to do that.

At least Biden did not mismanage a pandemic and kill 500,000 people.

Who said Covid would just go away like Magic? I believe that was Donald Trump.