If Virginia's public school system is so great, why didn't McAuliffe send his children to it?

  • oeb11
  • 11-02-2021, 07:34 AM

In the debate over education and parents’ rights, there’s a key fact Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe always seems to neglect: He hasn’t actually experienced what the state’s public school system is like.
© Provided by Washington Examiner Take, for example, a recent interview between McAuliffe and NBC’s Chuck Todd when he was asked why he said parents shouldn’t get to help school districts determine their curricula.

“Look, Chuck, we have a great school system in Virginia. Dorothy and I have raised our five children — of course, parents are involved in it,” McAuliffe replied.
McAuliffe’s answer implied he and his family were involved in the public school system. They were not.
McAuliffe was privately educated, as were his children. He sent one of his sons to Gonzaga College High School, a private Catholic school in Washington, D.C. Three of his other five children attended the expensive D.C. area Potomac School, where the annual tuition starts at $45,000. His wife, Dorothy, served as chairwoman of the board of trustees at Potomac School.
In other words, McAuliffe is boasting about and trying to exclude parents from a school system he did not even want to send his own children.
Parents such as McAuliffe, who have the resources to send their children to expensive private schools, should have the right to do so. But the irony in all of this is that McAuliffe is trying to deny other parents who have no choice but to depend on the public school system the kind of parental access he was guaranteed. As National Review noted, Potomac School has 17 separate committees that “facilitate open communication and serve as liaisons between the parents and the school’s administration.” If a parent at this school has a problem with something his or her child is being taught, I guarantee they would not only be allowed but encouraged to share concerns with the school. After all, they're paying $45,000 a year.
Why shouldn’t the rest of Virginia’s parents have the same right? They, too, pay for their children's education — all taxpayers do. Why don’t their concerns matter to McAuliffe?
Because he, like any good rich leftist who has spent too much time in the Beltway, believes he and his chosen experts know best. It doesn’t matter whether parents like some educational material or not — they can’t possibly know better than a teacher or school board member.
McAuliffe is wrong. Parents know enough to realize that Virginia’s public school system has failed its students and that parental involvement is the only way to change that. Especially since, unlike McAuliffe, they can’t spend $100,000+ a year to send their children somewhere else.

Comment - Mcauliffe and teh democraticomunist party are racist Hypocrites!

Buck fide
From my cold dead hands!- concise answer.

They are nomenklatura wanna-be - entitled arrogant elitist Racist marxists!