Defund the Police. Not.

That self-destructive horseshit even died in Minneapolis. Good riddance to the whole stupid idea.
This hobby would be a bit easier with less of them. Or at least have them focus on violent stuff.
Defunding makes sense, I’d like to know by sex, who has called the police?

I’m a man and have never needed the use of police since 2003, when I hit a deer and needed a police report to file an insurance claim… I’d be willing to bet the previous two posters haven’t used the police in years too.

The only purpose of the police is to allow women to freely roam unaccompanied by a man.

They literally serve no other purpose and we can do without 75% of them, just a subsidized cost to women, paid for by the men who are arrested by them.
Defunding makes sense, I’d like to know by sex, who has called the police?

I’m a man and have never needed the use of police since 2003, when I hit a deer and needed a police report to file an insurance claim… I’d be willing to bet the previous two posters haven’t used the police in years too.

The only purpose of the police is to allow women to freely roam unaccompanied by a man.

They literally serve no other purpose and we can do without 75% of them, just a subsidized cost to women, paid for by the men who are arrested by them. Originally Posted by bf0082
You're nuts. They are the only barrier between the law-abiding and chaos. Fortunately, most people--including major urban centers--agree. Perhaps if one lives in the woods, police are not a necessity.
valkyra's Avatar
Defunding makes sense, I’d like to know by sex, who has called the police?

I’m a man and have never needed the use of police since 2003, when I hit a deer and needed a police report to file an insurance claim… I’d be willing to bet the previous two posters haven’t used the police in years too.

The only purpose of the police is to allow women to freely roam unaccompanied by a man.

They literally serve no other purpose and we can do without 75% of them, just a subsidized cost to women, paid for by the men who are arrested by them. Originally Posted by bf0082
this is the most insane thing i've read in a while. you actually believe this is what the police are for? seriously? really?

hard yikes lol

you live a horribly sheltered life my guy. get off the internet and go be around people for a while, it's good for you

"Beam me up Scotty, there is no sign of intelligent life anywhere"
lilylivered's Avatar
I live in the woods, and we do need them.
I dont like seeing them militarized like combat troops though
They are a civilian peace keeping force and should have the same arms as civilians
I think you make a very valid point but aren't really focusing on the big picture. Technically, the police are law enforcement. They are just the pesky people hired to enforce the thousands of laws passed every year in this country by the people we elect to write more of them. You need to defund the the lawmakers, which will curb the need for more police to enforce more laws. Was that deer you hit back then here or outside Seattle?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Defunding makes sense, I’d like to know by sex, who has called the police?

I’m a man and have never needed the use of police since 2003, when I hit a deer and needed a police report to file an insurance claim… I’d be willing to bet the previous two posters haven’t used the police in years too.

The only purpose of the police is to allow women to freely roam unaccompanied by a man.

They literally serve no other purpose and we can do without 75% of them, just a subsidized cost to women, paid for by the men who are arrested by them. Originally Posted by bf0082
just last week, Was it your blue pill deviltry I saved from being ripped off ???? if so, darn
If I see that again at your place, I will not call the cops
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Never had any use for the police until I saw the lengths that democrat party pieces of shit will go to in order to destroy civilized society, especially pussified sheltered suburban douchebags.

Of course we certainly don't need racist piece of shit cops who murder unarmed women for trespassing.
I've mentioned before that one of my brothers was NYPD. I met lots of knuckleheads with whom he worked, who went on the job with bad attitudes and only got worse. Here's a solution: There is a man named Adam Walinsky, who was a close adviser to RFK in the 60s. After the upheaval of the era he proposed what would amount to a West Point for cops: a 4-year, college degree program in a national police academy. This would weed out the worst who come on to the job and teach men and women all aspects of public safety. The degree would be recognized in all p.d.s across the country. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, no dice...
I've mentioned before that one of my brothers was NYPD. I met lots of knuckleheads with whom he worked, who went on the job with bad attitudes and only got worse. Here's a solution: There is a man named Adam Walinsky, who was a close adviser to RFK in the 60s. After the upheaval of the era he proposed what would amount to a West Point for cops: a 4-year, college degree program in a national police academy. This would weed out the worst who come on to the job and teach men and women all aspects of public safety. The degree would be recognized in all p.d.s across the country. Unfortunately, despite his best efforts, no dice... Originally Posted by Withnail
Places like buffalo have had to lower the police standards to hire the right mix of people. Here's a idea, if you cant meet the standards or pass the test or complete the required training then guess what?? You can't be a cop or firemen or doctor or whatever. Lowering professional standards does not help out the public. No extra points for being whatever race,creed, or color. Only person that should ever get extra points on a public service test is a military vet. If you can't hack what it takes to be whatever professional then I guess your shit out of luck. Try harder the next time.
Absolutely. Don't get me started on those job-for-life crybabies, the teachers...Unions have a lot to do with it, too.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Hire more commercial airline pilots based on immutable physical characteristics and political affiliations.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
These pitiful professional sports leagues should start games handicapping teams with too many white players by penalizing them points, runs, etc.

-4 points for starting a white quarterback
-1.5 runs for white starting pitcher
-1 goal for white goaltender
rule does not apply to NBA, issue has been satisfactorily resolved per the woke mob
valkyra's Avatar
Every time i read this board's title, I read it in Borat's voice lmao

"Naughty, naughty!"