Something smells fishy, and it ain’t her cooch

Wanted to give a heads up. Scheduled a meet with “Jamie”, got her address and drove out to Ks, pulled up to a nice residential with nice truck, nice suv, hand carved pumpkins; not giving off the “this is where you’ll get your rocks off vibe. I pulled in front and parked and after asking if I’m there yet she states she doesn’t accept cash only Zelle and needed to pay upfront. Yeah ok. Not happening. I drive off and a few moments later she asks if I sent the money. So to me it’s a fake address and fake ad. Guess my first clue should of been the usage of what looks like Nina North pictures. Should it just risked a roto.
Yep, Google image compass points straight to Nina North.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Not a encounter
JRLawrence's Avatar
Not a encounter Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Good for him that it was not an encounter. But it is good information. Learn to walk, or run, away. What makes these few prople think they can get away with this nonsense. v

cmore197474's Avatar
Not a encounter Originally Posted by Dr-epg
But theres is a clickable botton in the encounter section for "NEW THREAD" right above "new encounter" so why is that there
Dr-epg's Avatar

The Forum Rules for the Encounter Reports changed post blackout of Eccie per the owners directions.

Pre blackout, the sub Forums for Encounters, Amps, Studios and Strip Clubs were open for "Reviews and Discussions"

That changed when the site came back online to what it is now.
Here is a portion of the Encounter Forum Header:

Have you experienced an intimate encounter you wish to share with the rest of the community? This is where it’s done. The review “template” includes fields for the more basic information regarding your encounter

Any discussions should be directed to the coed or men’s lounge.

I hope that clears up some of the confusion

The Dr