The buck stops elsewhere....

As with every issue, Biden claims to be a helpless bystander on inflation



Gas Prices?


Food Prices?


Supply Chain?

Should have seen it coming.... I thinck Obama still blames Dubya for everything.....

Did I mention gas prices and the economy??
Ask Jimmy Carter how that works.....

Just as with immigration, Afghanistan, and unemployment, Biden and his allies want us to think that he is nothing but a bystander. It can never be his fault or the fault of the policies he has pursued and implemented. The world is simply out of his control. It’s OPEC that isn’t boosting production, not Biden’s failed energy policies. It’s those oh-so-complicated supply chains that are to blame, not Biden’s COVID-19 stimulus and unemployment policies.

It’s become Biden’s go-to move. Everything that happens under his watch is either inevitable or irrelevant. Inflation has somehow become both, as Biden ignores his own role in the issue while promising that he has a magic solution as he continues to trudge through with his own agenda.
In June, senior White House officials promised that rising inflation was just “transitory.”

In July, President Biden declared that “the virus is on the run.”

And in August, White House press secretary Jen Psaki declared “the president continues to believe that it is not inevitable that the Taliban take over” Afghanistan.
Biden has underestimated problems facing the country — and Democrats fear that has become a political problem

“From the grocery store to the gas pump, Americans know the inflation tax is real and D.C. can no longer ignore the economic pain Americans feel every day.”
An intelligent person would know that the stimulus money given to all was to cover the costs of the impending inflation, and it’s not really inflation. It’s actually the free market doing what you guys want, being unregulated and flowing with no government controls.

You are confusing me with your republican hypocrisy, do you want government intervention because you seem to be asking for it, yet you’ll preach about the costs and big government… I know it’s just you regurgitating what your gods tell you to believe, like tuker Carlson and those other multimillionaire god you all worship.

High gas is good for the economy, and so is inflation, you’ll see both be controlled by the wealthy, it affects them more. They are required to take risks to earn ROI, instead of just parking their money into anything they want, making life difficult for those who pull the strings will result in changes… policy is created and enforced to maintain the status quo.

I’m confused as to whom your garbage is aimed at, is it the part time worker earning $12 an hour or the sole proprietor who is failing to make profits. Anyone with a real full time job isn’t affected by these small economic hiccups…

Someone who uses 60 gallons of fuel a month and typically spends $120 is now increasing their monthly costs to $360 a month with $6 a gallon gas… that’s $60 a week… if you can’t absorb a $60 a week increase in your monthly budget, you have other issues besides government policy
An intelligent person would know that the stimulus money given to all was to cover the costs of the impending inflation, and it’s not really inflation. It’s actually the free market doing what you guys want, being unregulated and flowing with no government controls.

You are confusing me with your republican hypocrisy, do you want government intervention because you seem to be asking for it, yet you’ll preach about the costs and big government… I know it’s just you regurgitating what your gods tell you to believe, like tuker Carlson and those other multimillionaire god you all worship.

High gas is good for the economy, and so is inflation, you’ll see both be controlled by the wealthy, it affects them more. They are required to take risks to earn ROI, instead of just parking their money into anything they want, making life difficult for those who pull the strings will result in changes… policy is created and enforced to maintain the status quo.

I’m confused as to whom your garbage is aimed at, is it the part time worker earning $12 an hour or the sole proprietor who is failing to make profits. Anyone with a real full time job isn’t affected by these small economic hiccups…

Someone who uses 60 gallons of fuel a month and typically spends $120 is now increasing their monthly costs to $360 a month with $6 a gallon gas… that’s $60 a week… if you can’t absorb a $60 a week increase in your monthly budget, you have other issues besides government policy Originally Posted by bf0082
This post is so stupefyingly obtuse and ignorant that I wouldn't know where to begin to critique it.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
An intelligent person would know that the stimulus money given to all was to cover the costs of the impending inflation, and it’s not really inflation. It’s actually the free market doing what you guys want, being unregulated and flowing with no government controls.

You are confusing me with your republican hypocrisy, do you want government intervention because you seem to be asking for it, yet you’ll preach about the costs and big government… I know it’s just you regurgitating what your gods tell you to believe, like tuker Carlson and those other multimillionaire god you all worship.

High gas is good for the economy, and so is inflation, you’ll see both be controlled by the wealthy, it affects them more. They are required to take risks to earn ROI, instead of just parking their money into anything they want, making life difficult for those who pull the strings will result in changes… policy is created and enforced to maintain the status quo.

I’m confused as to whom your garbage is aimed at, is it the part time worker earning $12 an hour or the sole proprietor who is failing to make profits. Anyone with a real full time job isn’t affected by these small economic hiccups…

Someone who uses 60 gallons of fuel a month and typically spends $120 is now increasing their monthly costs to $360 a month with $6 a gallon gas… that’s $60 a week… if you can’t absorb a $60 a week increase in your monthly budget, you have other issues besides government policy Originally Posted by bf0082

btw "Lets Go Brandon"
FatCity's Avatar
The Burden of Leadership
Everyone wants to be top dog but no one knows what that means. Leading takes vision and commitment to a plan you believe in. You direct your resources to executing that end.

Biden has ALWAYS been an empty suit grifter. He has no idea what should be done or how to do it. He just panders to the hoopleheads to win a gig that gives him influence. Then he sells that influence to the highest bidders. THAT's who's running the country; hundreds of corporate interests that are not unified in the outcome.

Biden is no different from any other politicians, though. Its "bitch and complain" about the other guy, which gives the appearance that you know best...but they have no plan, either. This didn't start with Biden, either. Bushes, Obama, Clintons...all empty suits
offshoredrilling's Avatar
This didn't start with Biden, either. Bushes, Obama, Clintons...all empty suits Originally Posted by FatCity

"Lets Go Brandon"
snipped the ridiculous parts..... Originally Posted by bf0082
High gas prices and inflation are good for the economy.....


anyways.... Biden is doubling down on not his fault.....
so so out of touch.....

Biden Asks FTC to Examine Oil, Gas Companies’ Role in High Gasoline Prices

He's just shameful.... and dumber than a box of.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
^^^^ why ya insulting ROCKS Sir ???? just askin
Buck stop with you Mr. Baldwin?

I didn't thinck so.....

Alec Baldwin Says He Didn’t Pull the Trigger in Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting
‘I would never point a gun at anyone and pull the trigger at them, never,’ actor says

Deny deny deny.....
This guy is less repentant than his murdering brother....

Chris Cuomo Addresses CNN Suspension, Saying ‘It Hurts’

Only thing this douche is sorry about is being caught....
This guy is less repentant than his murdering brother....

Chris Cuomo Addresses CNN Suspension, Saying ‘It Hurts’

Only thing this douche is sorry about is being caught.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Popcorn: "Watching the Scumbags Dance"--All the soyboys at CNN are furiously jockeying to take over Fredo's spot. Potato Stelter, Don Lay-man, and that buck-toothed Tapper guy. Maybe Zoom King Toobin?
POS Alec Baldwin doubling down.....

Alec Baldwin Says Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting Occurred After He Let Go of Gun’s Hammer
Actor says in ABC interview that he didn’t know there was a live round in the gun and isn’t to blame for the tragedy

Karma biotch....
He'll probably skate criminal charges with a high priced lawyer.... but hopefully he gets sued for every penny he's got.....
Alec Baldwin’s Denial: Expert Calls Chances Actor Didn’t Pull the Trigger ‘On a Scale of 1 to 10? Zero Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Hey, ya know we now live in a world where guns fire themselves and SUVs drive over people.