Honorary Titles, Degrees, etc.

HDGristle's Avatar
Keep this non-political.

A former President received an honorary 9th Dan Blackbelt in Taekwondo

A former CEO and chairman of a board received an honorary title of Chairmen Emeritus after retirement.

A former President recieved an honorary degree as a Doctor of Laws after an extensive career in the military with no legal background

A former President received an honorary degree as a Doctor of Public Policy after an extensive career as a lawyer, businessman and politician

A current Muppet received an honorary title as a Doctor of Amphibious Letters because it's not easy being green.

What distinctions do you see in these?

What are your thoughts on earned vs honored? Is it different from a kid getting a participation trophy for playing Youth Soccer in their City League

I'm purposely not citing names because I'm not interested in the people, persay. I'm interested in the concepts of awards, honors and participation and to see if we find general consensus.